Friday, January 14, 2022




If I am making toast out of store-bought bread, I like it burnt, otherwise, to me, it is tasteless.


I knew an old man in Newfoundland who lived around the bay.   His wife made homemade bread almost every day.  He called the store-bought bread Bakers Fog.  


My wife and I started making homemade bread in a bread machine in 1985 while we were teaching in a Native village 150 miles north of Fairbanks.   It was a six-hour drive on a single lane road across the tundra, if the weather was good.  It was a potentially dangerous trip at the best of times.


Our first machine was made by DAK and looked like the R-2 D-2 robot in the early Star Wars movies.  


After that the Breadman was our choice of bread machine; but their quality went to crap along with a collapsible paddle that would pop lose during the breadmaking process.   We have even tried the expensive Swedish, two paddle machine which turned out inconsistent quality.   We now have a Cuisinart and I am extremely pleased with it.  (I like most Cuisinart products, but their toaster sux).


Bread making is so easy and the quality of bread is so good, I don’t know why most people don’t own a bread machine.


I think people that have tried bread machines, but found them inadequate, probably tried artisan and sourdough breads before mastering the basic white bread.  They ended up with doughy or grainy or just bad tasting results.   It is like signing up for karate classes and then jumping into a cage with a mixed martial arts fighter.   


The basic white bread recipe is easy:

1 1/8 cup of water

2 tbsp olive oil

3 cups all-purpose flour

1 tbsp of sugar

1 tsp salt

1 tsp yeast

In that order.  Exact measurements of flour, olive oil and water are critical.  Many recipes call for more than one teaspoon of yeast – but I have never found it necessary.


The next step is optional:  The Cuisinart beeps after the final kneed.  At that time, I pause the machine, remove the bread pan, dump the dough onto a floured surface, remove the paddle, reshape the dough and return it to the pan and the bread machine.   Otherwise, the paddle gets baked into the base of the bread and you end up with a hole in the bread when you removing the paddle. 


I let my bread sit for about four hours before sealing it in a plastic storage bag.  I let the bread sit on the counter overnight before slicing.


The hardest part of the whole process is slicing.  I have ended up with a bamboo bread slicing gismo that I like; but it has taken me many loafs of bread before becoming proficient.   

Just like karate, you need to practice.


You can not beat the taste of toast made with homemade white bread.


Did I run and

And am I tired?

the Ol’Buzzard






  1. I have been experimenting lately with homemade bread using a no-knead yeast bread recipe. So far I've made white bread (makes wonderful toast!), whole wheat bread, and garlic/oregano bread (tastes like focaccia).

  2. I've tried your recipe a couple of times. It's saved sending our machine (also a Cuisinart) to the thrift store. Thanks for posting this again.

  3. Have never used a bread machine. They take up space, a resource sadly lacking in our galley-type kitchen. The S.O. is still doing fine making sourdough the old-fashioned way so I guess we can manage without technology a while longer.

  4. I never make one loaf of bread. I make up to 4 loaves at each baking. Give the other 3 loaves away. always make whole wheat with oatmeal. Found this great recipe and love it. But now that I'm getting old and cranky I may just start baking for me..fuckem.

  5. I've used bread machines off and on in the past but ultimately decided I like making it myself rather than with a machine.

  6. Back when I used to use our bread maker, all the recipes (basic ones) called for powdered milk. Haven't had the bread maker out in years! -Jenn

  7. We once had a Bread Machine and my only complaint was the loaves were too small and didn't last 10 seconds.

  8. We have a bread machine and use it periodically. But we eat way too much bread then. Store bought isn't tooo bad, wide variety and cheap as it is subsidized.


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."