Thursday, September 19, 2024




Two months before the Presidential election Melania Trump releases a social media post about her nude photo shoot.   Why now, and why bring up her nudity at a critical time before an election?

In eight years, we have never seen Melania show affection toward Donald. We know they sleep in separate bedrooms.

I am sure that Trump had Melania sign a prenuptial agreement before marriage.   This means that if she were to divorce Trump, she would have no claim to his wealth.

Trump has a miserable disposition.  He is narcissistic, paranoid, selfish, and prone to temper fits.  And what woman would want to go down on that fat bastard?

The stars are aligned.  This would be the perfect time for Melania to take Donald to the cleaners.


I am sure Donald would agree to a large settlement, in the millions, if she agreed to withhold the announcement of divorce proceedings until after the election. 


Melania is used to living a life of luxury.  The millions she might take from Donald would not maintain the rarified lifestyle she is used to for very long.


But, by indicating her willingness to pose nude she could have tabloids bidding in the hundreds of millions for an exclusive photo shoot of the first lady of the ex-President or future President Donald Trump.

the Ol'Buzzard

Wednesday, September 18, 2024




Spelling is overrated. 


Young people today write in social media speak.  My wife researched an 1832 house and found the original owner signed his name at least four different ways.


We write to relay or transfer information or thoughts, or to tell a narrative.    Spelling can be a nitpicky way of stifling creativity.


To begin with, we should shorten our alphabet.  Why 26 letters?   The number 25 is a lot easier to deal with.   Kids could memorize it in groups of 5, and 25 is an integer of 100 – not a prime number but an easier concept to deal with. 


So to begin with, I suggest we rid ourselves of the letter C.   In almost every case K can replace C resulting in the same sound:  Kat, kake, kar, kot, kap, krap, kokonut…   In very few cases where K will not fit (Cynthia or ceramics), an S will substitute just as well: Synthia, seramics…


English is a difficult language to learn and we have made it so with too many letters in our basic alphabet. 


Thank the gods for spell checkers.

the Ol’Buzzard

Tuesday, September 17, 2024



The Republican Party is the party of the rich and powerful, though they maintain their base of working white men with the distraction of God, guns, gays, and racism.   The Republican aim of ‘Small Government’ is to eliminate all social programs like Social Security, Medicare, Obama Care, and government assistance programs, to lower taxes for the wealthy and deregulate any restrictions that hamper big business.


 Regan said it out loud: Trickle Down Economics.   Make the rich richer and the rest of us can survive from the crumbs of their tables.

The Republican Party did not foresee the takeover of the MAGA movement. 


The seeds of MAGA started when the mega-rich Koch brothers organized and financed the Tea Party, bussing large groups of easily manipulated people into D.C. to disrupt and prevent the election of the first black president. 


Unbeknownst to the Koch brothers, the inmates would take over the asylum.


Trump is a phenomenon that came along at the perfect time to cement a movement. 

P. T. Barnum said you don’t have to be smart to be a con man.   You just need to be smarter than the rubes you are conning.




1.    White supremacist

2.    Q-Anon

3.    Militia insurrectionist

4.    Science deniers

5.    Christian Fundamentalist

6.    Fox News devotees

7.    People feeling undervalued

8.    People easily manipulated

9.    And people who don’t like the Democrat Party.


Many of my neighbors are MAGA and the best people you could know.   They would be the first to show up if I had an emergency at home.    In most cases, we have different opinions about politics, but basically, we are alike.   However, I am puzzled that some have drunk the cool aid, to the point they seem to have a mindless, almost cult following of Donald Trump.

I do not understand what they see or don't see when they listen to Trump.


It is beyond me how any x-military could support Donald Trump. He denigrated John McCain and belittled POWs saying “I like people who weren’t captured.”


Trump has called military dead suckers and losers according to General Kelly, and he refused to attend the Marine cemetery at Bella Woods because it was raining and his hair would get wet (according to his aides.)   He told his Chief-of-Staff never to have a wounded veteran at any of his speeches because it didn’t make him look good.   This from a man who dodged the draft for Vietnam.


I also don’t understand how any working man can identify with Trump.   He is the son of a billionaire who was given every advantage possible. He was a playboy who had unlimited money.   He went to private schools.  He was given the equivalent of six hundred million dollars (in today’s money) when he graduated from college and he quickly parlayed that into five bankruptcies.   He has accumulated billions of dollars in property and debt and lived in a gilded luxury apartment in Trump Tower where he pooped in a gold toilet. Trump talks about the price of goods at the supermarket, but it would be a safe bet that Trump has never entered a supermarket in his entire life.


It puzzles me how any regular person would look back on Trump’s four years of Presidency as anything but a disaster.  Remember the refrigerator trucks parked outside the hospitals because the morgues could not handle the number of dead?   The only thing memorable that Trump accomplished was a three trillion-dollar tax cut for the mega-wealthy, and he ran up the national budget by eight trillion, higher than any president in history.


Women for Trump?   When you are famous you can grab them by the pussy.   I alone was able to get rid of Roe vs Wade.

It would bother me to be identified with a group that included white supremacists, and the militia insurrectionists of January 6.   I would feel uncomfortable around religious fundamentalists claiming Trump is anointed by God to bring about a new world order.   Then there are some outright nut cases in the MAGA cult, like the few hundred people who hung around Dallas Texas for two weeks waiting for JFK to come back to life and run as Trump’s Vice President; not to mention that Trump advised the NIH to look into the possibility of drinking bleach and shooting up with disinfectant as a cure for Covid-19.  Now it’s Haitians are eating your cats.


I am exhausted with Trump.  I like my neighbors, but the name Trump is a poison pill to relationships and I dare not mention his name.  Yet we have more in common, just trying to live our lives and get by in an economy that has never served the middle class since Regan introduced the trickle-down economy. 

the Ol'Buzzard






Sunday, September 15, 2024




Friday my wife and I took a ride about fifty miles north to the Rangeley Lakes region.   Route 4 carries you through mostly rural countryside. 


In 2020 we rode the same route and there were Trump-Pence signs in front of many homes and no Biden-Harris signs.


Yesterday there were no Trump signs – zero - and two Harris-Walz signs. 


I don’t know if this means that rural people, his steady supporters, have finally tired of the Trump Circus, or perhaps the Republican Party didn’t supply signs to this area of rural Maine. 


But the Trump show has been exhausting and maybe people have finally moved on. 

the Ol'Buzzard


Monday, August 19, 2024


Yellowdog Granny posted this a while ago, but it says everything about the Democrats and Republicans.


Tim Walz was born in a small rural Nebraska town. Walz graduated from public high school at age seventeen and immediately enlisted in the Army National Guard.   He worked up through the enlisted ranks retiring after 24 years of service.   


Waltz went to state college with the help of the GI Bill.   He graduated with a teaching degree and became a high school teacher and coach.   He married a teacher. 


After retirement from the military Walz was elected six times to Congress.   

Walz is one of the most popular governors in Minnesota's history.


Walz's accomplishments as governor have been wide-ranging and focused on the middle class.


Walz passed a 2.3-billion-dollar budget that expanded the pre-k education program and provided breakfast and lunch for all school children, and he passed a child tax credit for people in poverty.


Walz led and expanded Minnesota’s reproductive right to choose law. 


He passed laws protecting children from gender-affirming care and banned ‘conversion therapy.’


He ended book banning based on ideology.


Walz expanded worker's rights, establishing paid leave and paid sick days.  He banned non-competitive work contracts against workers, including at Amazon warehouses, construction sites, hospitals, nursing homes, and public schools.


Walz signed the biggest infrastructure law in Minnesota’s history.


Walz's budget contained free college for students with a household income of less than $80,000, and he cut taxes with every budget.


Walz signed into law a voting rights bill.


Walz passed laws lowering the cost of prescription drugs, including insulin, and attached an emergency assistance rider.  He banned medical debt from affecting credit scores, and the automatic transfer of medical debt to parents and spoused. 


He signed a bipartisan bill to make Minnesota energy independent by 2040.


He signed a billion-dollar bill to expand affordable housing.


Walz legalized marijuana for adults and canceled convictions for non-violent cannabis convictions. 


Walz is a man of the people, and he likes pigs.


J. D. Vance:

A Yale graduate who made millions in Silicon Valley.   He is anti-abortion, opposed to same-sex marriages, against support for Ukraine, and obsessed with women's reproduction, believing that women’s whole purpose in life is to have children and raise children.  

These are our choices for VP.   And remember that is one step away from the Presidency.

the OL'Buzzard



Saturday, August 10, 2024



Cat Ladies Vote

My wife and I were at a restaurant earlier this week and at one table there was a screaming infant and a couple of young misbehaving children.   

Our bill came to $74.00 

I wish restaurants had Childless Cat Ladies and Childless Cat Couples seating.

We could sit around and share pictures and stories about our cats in a nice quiet adult atmosphere while waiting for our food.

The lion queen

the Ol'Buzzard

Thursday, August 8, 2024




The man stays up all night posting weird screeds on Truth Social.

On Tuesday he posted that Joe Biden was going to crash the Democratic National Convention and attempt to seize back power. 

“What are the chances that Crooked Joe Biden, The WORST president in the history of the U.S., whose Presidency was Unconstitutionally STOLEN from him by Kamabla, Barrack HUSSEIN Obama, Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Shifty Adam Schiff, Cryin Chuck Schumer, and others on the the Lunatic left, CRASHES the Democrat National Convention and tries to take back the Nomination, beginning with challenging me to another DEBATE.

His cure for COVID-19 was drinking bleach and injecting disinfectant.   


He paints himself orange.

He constantly tells himself and others that he is a genius.

He is 78 years old and believes himself irresistible to women.

In Trump Tower, he pooped in a gold toilet – How weird is that?

the Ol’Buzzard

Thursday, August 1, 2024




All of the chaotic drama we are experiencing with the Donald Trump Show falls directly at the feet of Merrick Garland. 


President Obama picked Garland as his choice for the Supreme Court because he was bland and uncontroversial, thus Obama figured that he would be less objectional to the Republican Senate's confirmation.   

Mitch McConnell blocked that appointment by refusing to bring Garland up for a vote.   


President Biden is one of the best Presidents of my lifetime.   The only major mistake he made was the appointment of Garland as Attorney General.  I feel Biden made the appointment with respect for Obama and as a show of defiance to the Senate Republicans.


Had any other Attorney General been appointed, I feel that Trump would have been indicted for treason on January 7th.  Merrick Garland procrastinated two and a half years before appointing a Special Prosecutor to investigate Trump, guaranteeing us four more years of the Donald Trump show.


I don’t think Kamala will make that mistake.   When she is President I expect her to appoint a kick-ass prosecutor as Attorney General then perhaps Old Weird Donald will get his comuppins.

 the Ol'Buzzard

Wednesday, July 31, 2024



When I got up this morning I did a quick workout on my Total Gym.   I am in my mid-eighties and am in pretty good shape for my age.   I am 5' 11" and weigh 195.  This gives me a body index of 25.4 - a little overweight.   

The best purchase I ever made for my health was my Total Gum.   Seventeen years ago I purchased a Total Gym 1400 for about $200.  Except for a few illnesses, I have been consistent with a ten-minute workout most days. 

First thing in the morning I get up - feed the cat - do a couple minutes of stretches and then ten minutes on the total gym.   An easy routine habit to establish.  

I don't advertise for Total Gym or any product, but I believe my routine has benefited my health and preserved the muscle tone of my upper body.

Before the Total Gym, I had a membership with the local college gym, where I am an alumnus.  It turned out I only attended sporadically.  I had to pay a yearly fee.  I had to find the time to drive to the gym, work out, and then drive home.  On rainy days, snowy days, hot days, or almost any excuse I would skip my workout.

My Total Gym was a one-time purchase and is here in my home.   If I can't take ten minutes out of my day to workout, then shame on me. 

Total Gym prices rise over $1000; but the equivalent to the Total Gym I bought seventeen years ago is the APEX G3, which sells through Walmart for $439.99.  You don't need all the fancy attachments, you would probably never use them.  The advantage of ordering through Walmart is if you don't like the product you can take it to your local Walmart for a no questions asked refund.  (check out the length.)

I do the equivalent of rowing, an ab exercise, curls - then turn around and do push-ups, chin-ups, another ab exercise, and finally sit-ups; all on the Total Gym. Ten sets each.  It takes less than ten minutes total including stretching.  

If you are looking for bodybuilding you need to go to the gym and work weights; but if you want an exercise routine just to stay in shape, a workout on the Total Gym and walking will do the trick. 

Just wanted to share

the Ol'Buzzard


Friday, July 19, 2024

Monday, July 1, 2024



After the debate between President Biden and Donald Trump, there are calls for Joe Biden to step down as the Democrat nominee for President in 2024.  It wasn’t just a bad debate performance we saw on CNN, Joe Biden’s performance brought into full display a man struggling with aging senility.


Biden’s mental decline was on full display during the debate.  Biden froze, he could not carry a train of thought, and he was unable to mount the simplest retort to the flagrant lies Trump was spouting; after the debate his wife led him onto the stage at the Democrat after-debate gathering, she had to speak for him while he stood there giving thumbs up.  It was pitiful, and it hurt to watch.


In my opinion, Biden has been an excellent President with great accomplishments despite a divided Congress.   He seems capable of delivering a cogent response when reading off a prompter, but his responses ramble when speaking off the cuff.  And the sight of him wandering off to give the paratroopers a thumbs up at the G-7 summit was disturbing.


I believe Biden should step down.  There are plenty of Democrats capable of speaking coherently and carrying the fight to Trump. I fear running Biden, whose fitness to govern for the next four years is questionable as the Democrat choice, may throw the election to Trump. 


The choice of Biden/Trump brings to center stage the importance of flipping the House of Representatives to Democrats as a critical election strategy.   If Trump were to be elected it would require a Democrat House majority to keep him in check

the Ol'Buzzard

Thursday, June 27, 2024





When I turn on the news this morning the speculation about the Presidential debate between President Biden and Trump consumed the cable news outlets.  All this speculation is ridiculous as we only have to wait until nine o'clock tonight and all will be revealed.

As there is nothing I can do to affect the outcome of the debate tonight, so I made toast, a boiled egg, and tea – these I have control over.

Actually, I have little control over the way my toast comes out of the toaster.

 I must have owned a dozen toasters over the years and have always complained about uneven toasting or toast darker on one side than the other.

The last toaster I owned was a Cuisinart.  It had a shiny stainless steel body, but it toasted no better than the twelve-dollar toaster from Walmart.    The wrapped wire heating elements made in China in the twelve-dollar toaster at Walmart are likely the exact same Chinese wire heating elements we find in Cuisinart.


After going on YouTube if found that Dash was listed as one of the best toasters by America’s Test Kitchen.


For the last two years, I have owned a Dash toaster.  Though not perfect, it is the best toaster I have ever owned – and it comes in colors.

 Instead of the wrapped wire element, the Dash has four ceramic rods, one on the top and one on the bottom of each side.  These rods glow red hot and toast the bread fairly evenly.  



Dash also has a window so you can watch the toasting process.  The Dash has defrost, reheat, and bagel buttons.

  I have never used the defrost or reheat -perhaps they are for Poptarts and frozen waffles - but the bagel button lights the rods on one side of the toaster, toasting only the cut half of the bagel.  


So this morning instead of watching the bed-wetting, speculation, and hype about this evening’s debate, I made a piece of toast, a boiled egg, and a cup of tea, and decided to post about the Dash toaster that gave me a nice dark, evenly toasted bread this morning. 

I don’t post for any company or product; but when I find something I like I will pass it on.

the Ol’Buzzard

Monday, June 24, 2024




Walmart hires a lot of disabled and handicapped people.  When I enter the Walmart here in town I see several people who wouldn’t be able to hold a job elsewhere, yet they have employment at Walmart. 


The local Super Store is a large employer in our area.  I know that pay scales and conditions often get highlighted by I-Hate-Walmart-People, but in a rural area where jobs are scarce, especially for older and less employable workers, Walmart is an option.  And they are always hiring.


Almost any product I buy now, I buy through Walmart online.  The reason is, that if I receive the product and have a problem with it, or just decide I don’t like it, I can drive down to Walmart and return it for a full refund on the spot, no questions asked: no repackaging, shipping labels or dealing with some customer service department.


All the surrounding small towns in our county depend on the local Walmart for products that would not be available locally otherwise, as our nearest big box stores would be an hour or more drive away – and for people physically unable to shop, Walmart delivers.



The store is airconditioned and so what better place for people watching?

You can always see something great at Walmart.

the Ol'Buzzard

Saturday, June 22, 2024



For decades Christians have been subtly moving to establish a Christian Caliphate in this country – to declare the United States ‘A Christian Nation’ under Christian rules and doctrine, and under a Christian Sharia law.

Future punishment for abortion?

Now it is not so subtle.   Christian Nationalists, through the Republican Party, have dismantled Roe vs Wade, they are coming for contraception by declaring fetus personhood.  Women’s sexuality (original sin) is in their crosshairs, along with the LGBT+ community.  


In Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry has signed a bill requiring all public classrooms to display the Ten Commandments.


This is just the beginning.  


 the Ol'Buzzard


Thursday, June 20, 2024



It is not enough that a person can walk into a gun shop or gun show and walk out with a military-style semi-automatic high-velocity weapon with an extended magazine.   Now the conservative Supreme Court has nullified a ban on bump stocks, which can turn semi-automatic weapons into rapid-fire mass killing machines like the ones used in the Las Vegas shooting that killed sixty people and wounded five hundred.

Just wait until the next mass shooting….

This country is fucking nuts

the Ol'Buzzard

Friday, June 7, 2024



please enlarge to watch

You can show respect for the young men who fought and died in wars without agreeing with it.

the Ol'Buzzard

Wednesday, June 5, 2024





This is an historic week in American military history.  This week commemorates the battles of Belleau Woods in the First World War and the assault on the Beaches of Normandy in World War Two.


On June 1, 1918, the Battle of Belleau Woods in France was a dramatic moment that enshrined the valor of the United States Marine Corps.   Badly outnumbered and badly supplied the Marines defeated a superior German force preventing the capture of Paris.


Eighteen, nineteen, and twenty-year-old Marines charged into Belleau woods with fixed bayonets assaulting dug-in German machinegun emplacements


The battles were so hard fought that Marines often found themselves in hand-to-hand combat.  The United States Marines fought so fiercely that the Germans referred to them as Devil Dogs.

President Biden is traveling to France to visit the cemeteries of the Americans lost in the battles at Belleau Woods and Normandy.


In Juen 2018 a 100-year commemorative service was held at a cemetery in France to recognize the United States Marines killed in World War 1 at the battle of Belleau Woods.


It was raining the morning of the service and President Donald Trump decided not to attend the ceremony.


According to four people with first-hand knowledge, Trump rejected the visit because he feared his hair would get soaked


Speaking to senior staff members Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery?”   “It’s filled with losers.”


Later Trump said that the 1800 Marines killed at Belleau Woods were suckers for getting killed.


Trump claimed he canceled his attendance at the last minute because the helicopter couldn’t fly in the rain and the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him.


Of course, neither was true.   Helicopters regularly fly in the rain. General Kelly and an American delegation attended the service in Trump’s absence.  

Semper Fi Marines


the Ol’Buzzard

USN ret.