Wednesday, September 18, 2024




Spelling is overrated. 


Young people today write in social media speak.  My wife researched an 1832 house and found the original owner signed his name at least four different ways.


We write to relay or transfer information or thoughts, or to tell a narrative.    Spelling can be a nitpicky way of stifling creativity.


To begin with, we should shorten our alphabet.  Why 26 letters?   The number 25 is a lot easier to deal with.   Kids could memorize it in groups of 5, and 25 is an integer of 100 – not a prime number but an easier concept to deal with. 


So to begin with, I suggest we rid ourselves of the letter C.   In almost every case K can replace C resulting in the same sound:  Kat, kake, kar, kot, kap, krap, kokonut…   In very few cases where K will not fit (Cynthia or ceramics), an S will substitute just as well: Synthia, seramics…


English is a difficult language to learn and we have made it so with too many letters in our basic alphabet. 


Thank the gods for spell checkers.

the Ol’Buzzard


  1. And then there's all the "except when..." rules.

  2. English has 80 phonetic sounds with 26 letters which, along with our multitude of verb tenses, makes learning ESL a real chore. The letter C in Pacific Ocean is pronounced three different ways. Pasifik Oshean.


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."