Monday, July 1, 2024



After the debate between President Biden and Donald Trump, there are calls for Joe Biden to step down as the Democrat nominee for President in 2024.  It wasn’t just a bad debate performance we saw on CNN, Joe Biden’s performance brought into full display a man struggling with aging senility.


Biden’s mental decline was on full display during the debate.  Biden froze, he could not carry a train of thought, and he was unable to mount the simplest retort to the flagrant lies Trump was spouting; after the debate his wife led him onto the stage at the Democrat after-debate gathering, she had to speak for him while he stood there giving thumbs up.  It was pitiful, and it hurt to watch.


In my opinion, Biden has been an excellent President with great accomplishments despite a divided Congress.   He seems capable of delivering a cogent response when reading off a prompter, but his responses ramble when speaking off the cuff.  And the sight of him wandering off to give the paratroopers a thumbs up at the G-7 summit was disturbing.


I believe Biden should step down.  There are plenty of Democrats capable of speaking coherently and carrying the fight to Trump. I fear running Biden, whose fitness to govern for the next four years is questionable as the Democrat choice, may throw the election to Trump. 


The choice of Biden/Trump brings to center stage the importance of flipping the House of Representatives to Democrats as a critical election strategy.   If Trump were to be elected it would require a Democrat House majority to keep him in check

the Ol'Buzzard


  1. I'll Vote Blue up and down the Ticket no matter Who... since, Democracy is at stake. I always felt Joe should have been a One Term Prez, he's done a good job, but, I agree with your assessment. Both Men are in serious cognitive decline and neither should be the next Prez. It is a Hell No and Oh No Choice and it's deeply disturbing. Globally it seems the Far Right is trying to bring down every major Democracy, I'd like to imagine it's not a coordinated effort, but, I'm not so sure it isn't.

  2. Bullshit. Biden has been a poor extemporaneous speaker his entire career. As a fellow adult who stutters, I am capable of remembering what all the idiots freaking out are choosing to forget. The entire reaction to the debate with various morons wringing their hands and saying Biden needs to step down is a classic example of why Republicans win and Democrats lose. It's been clear for years that Trump is sliding into full blown dementia but how many Republicans are willing to say that no matter how incoherent and vicious the human yam gets? Biden has one bad debate and party unity vanishes in a nanosecond. If Trump wins in November it will be because voters worrying about a sane elderly man looking frail one night handed the White House to the truly crazy geezer.

    Out of curiosity, who should replace Biden at the top of the ticket? He ran basically unopposed in the primaries. Who is there with the name recognition nationally? Answer: at this point, no one.

    1. Written by Nan, not Kulkuri. No clue as to why his name came up instead of mine.


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."