Wednesday, March 27, 2019


I am a liberal.  Which to me means a libertarian with social constrains.

I believe that people have a right to do whatever the hell they want – provided it does not ‘directly’ effect another person. 

Whether we admit it or not, we carry the prejudices of our societies time and place.   During the sixties, seventies and even the eighties I could not imagine a friendship with a male homosexual (Queer.)  During the nineties I realized my brother-in-law was gay.  A better man never walked the face of this earth and I love him.  This totally changed my perspective on the gay community.

Now we have added bi-sexual and Trans.    I absolutely support the LGBT community; but there is a grey area involving Trans, and raising the issue should not be taboo.  

In Connecticut two transgender high school students took first and second place, crushing the competition, in both the girl’s 55-meter and 100-meter dash at the State Indoor Open Track Championship.   Whether a person identifies as male or female, the average man is bigger, stronger and faster than the average woman.   

Imagine a star NBA player identifying himself as a transgender female wanting to switch to the WNBA – or move the scenario to the Olympics.

Everyone has a right to be who they want to be, love who they want to love, have sex with whomever turns them on, and dress how the hell they want; but is it fair to the other competitors for a transgender female athlete, with a physiological and testosterone advantage, to compete in the female category?  

I don’t have a right to insert an opinion in this discussion; but it is something the LGBQ community should address before it becomes a Republican talking point to further drive their base toward extreme homophobia. 

the Ol’Buzzard


  1. It already is a talking point, and it's a ridiculous one, especially when you consider what a tiny percentage of the population trans people are. Scaring people about bathrooms isn't working so let's talk about an occasional extremely rare possibility of someone who was assigned one gender identity at birth based on a cursory inspection of external genitalia later realizing that assignment was wrong, transitioning to what feels like the right gender, and then beating people who were assigned that gender at birth in an athletic competition. Let's ignore all the other factors that go into a race or a tennis match or whatever, like respective heights and ages of the competitors, amount of training they've done, etc., and just focus on the fact one might have once been called a boy instead of a girl. Other than the competitions in Connecticut, how many other examples can you find? If you start digging, what you're more likely to find are boys freaking out because girls who are definitely biologically girls are out-competing them in sports like wrestling (where matches are determined by physical weight). This is a nonissue that when brought up plays right into the hands of all the homophobes and haters.

  2. I have no problem with trans athletes. A lot more factors go into making a champion than just hormones.


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."