Tuesday, March 12, 2019


I am a winter person.  I love the cold weather and the snow - it makes  me feel truly alive.  I like that nature declares her primacy during the winter season, putting man in his place of insignificance as he feels her power of weather he can not control. 

But I have had enough of this winter.   Our windows are covered and we are living in a snow cave.  The cats can't look out the windows at the birds, and they are showing signs of cabin fever - charging through the house.     Fortunately, my wife and I are not claustrophobic, but we are ready for a change.  

I love a metal roof.  I don't have to get on the roof and shovel, but it packs the snow against the house.

 This is the north wall so even that little clearance at the top doesn't admit much light.

 We use lamps during the daytime.  

Not much of a view.

About four feet of standing snow with drifts up to six or seven feet

I have tried to keep the front of the house somewhat cleared.  I have to shovel wearing snow shoes and that a pain in the ass.  

But, it is winter in Maine, and I would not change it.   There is always another season to look forward to.

the Ol'Buzzard


  1. Doesn't the packed snow against the house keep the house insulated? What is the usual indoor temperature? Tin roofs are a blessing. We have one and love it. Stay warm y'all.

  2. It's above freezing here today. Maybe there will be a Spring after all.

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  4. Yesterday was our first above freezing day in two months. Our snow pack looks about the same as yours, but I am glad it is starting to melt. The groundhog was delicious, by the way.


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."