Wednesday, June 20, 2018


If you are outraged at what is happening to this country and you voted for the Libertarian Party or Green Party or you wrote in Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Presidential Election, then by omission you elected Donald Trump.

The obvious reality was, there were only two possible outcomes to the election: either the Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton or the Republican Party candidate Donald Trump would become President.  

If you felt that you were distinguishing yourself as a ‘thinking liberal’ by ‘voting your conscious’ then you forfeited your right to complain about Trump; but perhaps in the next election you can redeem yourself.  This inflexible purity of the far-left works to the benefit of the Republican Party.

The real politic is, like it or not, the U.S. has a two-party system, and you either work within that system or, like the old man yelling at clouds, you get attention from your neighbors, but you accomplish nothing.

Sometimes the truth is uncomfortable. 
the Ol’Buzzard


  1. I voted for Hillary because I felt she could do some good even though Republicans bad mouthed her. I feel the same way as you do. I hope we can get our allies back after the angry carrot fucktard is out. It will take at least two decades to bring everything up to speed and out of darkness.

  2. If a person wants to vote Green or Libertarian or whatever, the place to do it is down ticket, like for a state representative or a local city council member. The only way third parties can ever hope to win is by building from the bottom up. The classic example of why voting for a third party candidate at the top of the ticket is a bad idea happened in Minnesota: Jesse Ventura was a third party candidate who won the governorship but then had no support from either the Republicans or the Democrats. He had some good ideas but they were useless without any sort of a party base to work with. Now he's remembered as a joke.

  3. Didn't like either candidate, but I was done voting my conscious years ago. Backed Bernie to begin with and then switched to Hillary. I still say I think Bernie would have beaten Trump if he had gotten the nomination. Right from the get go Hillary and her machine acted as if the office of president was hers.

  4. Bernie is NOT A DEMOCRAT.. he has done everything he could to destroy the democratic party..arghghgh...don't get me started..ha..


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."