Saturday, January 7, 2012

Rick Santorum for President?

Rick Santorum is more dangerous to a free society, than any Republican Presidential candidate.  The election of Santorum would be a giant step toward a theocracy.  He makes statements of his strongly held beliefs and then juxtaposes them with a caveat saying if elected he would not support the legislation of these beliefs.

If you want to waste the next forty five minutes, elevate your blood pressure and fuck up your composure for the rest of the week-end, watch the attached clips. 

Marriage is a bridge too far for African American women and undesirable for African American men – resulting in 75% of black children being born out of wedlock.    And, we don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them someone else’s money.

Same sex marriage is a violation of natural law and should not be sanctioned by the state.  Same sex marriage should be prohibited.

We should reinstate Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – or, if pollible, prevent gays from serving in the military.

Abortion should be a crime and abortion doctors prosecuted. Women should be forced to give birth to the child of a rapist, a pedophile or that is a product of incest.   A child is a human from the moment of conception and should be protected.

How a woman would stand before Santorum's God.

Social Security is insolvent because one-third of all children are aborted:  criminalizing abortion would solve the Social Security dilemma.

Santorum Supports the assassination of scientist working in Iran.

The base of the Democratic Party is single mothers living off government welfare.  The solution for welfare is to eliminate single parent families (make divorce harder - illegal?)

God’s law (Christian law) should take precedence over civilian law.   BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID.

Santorum and Glen Beck: bomb – bomb – bomb Iran.  Profile Muslims

Posted by the Ol'Buzzard
All-right - this has nothing to do with my  post
but I couldn't help myself.


  1. Scarey stuff, OB. Any chance for this guy this time round? More likely 2016.

  2. Buzz,
    Now that Santorum is gaining attention he is attempting to clarify (defuse) some of his more outrageous statements. "I won't take away your birth control pills" ( - today)fe example. The man's views are so extreme that independents and moderate Republicans (they are still out there) will shun him. I say, run the fucker...
    He is another Palin - without the ass...


  3. An abortion was OK for his wife, but not for anyone else!!

    He's a Dominionist, he wants make the US a theocracy. If the theocracy in Iran is bad, what makes anyone think theocracy in this country would be any better just because it's run by a different cult?????

  4. And Kulkuri, speaking of the abortion, not only did they have the doctor abort the fetus, but they layed with it in the bed between them overnight. They then took it home and introduced it to their children and had them do the same while talking to it. BAT SHIT FUCKING CRAZY!


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."