Monday, February 21, 2022




Man shall have dominion over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.


Elizabeth Kolbert book, The 6th Extinction tracks the catastrophic events that led to five extinction on planet Earth.    The 6th extinction to be brought about by mankind, ‘who has led a ten-thousand-year exercise in defying nature’, and has drastically altered earth’s climate over a duration of one century.


Her new book, Under a White Sky reviews man’s technological research to deal with the results of the climate change we are presently witnessing.


There is no doubt that the world we live in will look dramatically different in one-hundred years; if we survive this era.   Mankind is only limited by the speed of his ability to compute and the volume of information he can retrieve; and with super computers mankind has conquered that deficiency.  There is some confidence in the scientific community (the brain trust of mankind) that we will be able to adjust to the changing climate.




Cassandra was priestess of Apollo in Greek mythology; cursed to utter true prophecies, but never to be believed.


Though climate change is of major concern to the survival of the human race, it is not the elephant in the room, the most likely scenario to apocalyptic destruction of every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.


We are looking at the possibility of another massive war in Europe.  But this only highlights the concern.


Nuclear weapons have proliferated through the earth’s nations: Chins, North Korea, Pakistan, India, undoubtedly Israel, soon to be Iran; and of course, the United States and Russia.


The world has two nuclear super powers, each with the capability of destroying all life on earth many times over.   So far, we have had reasonable men holding the reins on the world nuclear arsenals; but that is not a guarantee.  


President Trump asked general Kelly why we have nuclear weapons and don’t use them?


In Ronald Regan’s last year in office, he suffered from dementia.   Donald Trump was called a moron by his Chief of Staff.  The world is full of despots, and then we have religious fanatical states each looking forward to an end of the world scenario.  It is not beyond belief today that Republicans could elect Marjory Taylor Green or that ilk to be in charge of our nuclear arsenal.


We should not believe that nuclear weapons will never be deployed against humanity.  It had been done before.    In 1945 two very primitive nuclear weapons destroyed two Japanese cities killing over three-hundred-and-fifty-thousand civilians.


This is a scenario waiting to happen.


Mankind still possesses a primitive strain in his DNA that effects the species beyond reason.

Have a nice day

the Ol’Buzzard

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COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."