Sunday, September 23, 2018


I recent commented on a blog, and suggested the person smoke pot to relieve stress.   Being a Vietnamese vet from the sixties it didn’t occur to me that there are still a lot of people that have never tried it. 

I guess the cookies and such are all-right; but as an ex-smoker I find the process of an occasional tote relaxing in itself. 

I prefer a pipe when I smoke, as there is no waste and no rolling involved.   Nothing fancy, just a small metal or glass pipe.  You take a bud and crush it to tobacco consistency and fill the bowl. 

You will need a Bic lighter, as you have to relight after every draw. 

If you are a beginner, you don’t want to smoke the whole bowl.  Just light the pipe and take a small drag to char the weed, and exhale quickly.   Next take a drag and hold it in your lungs for twenty or thirty seconds – whatever is comfortable.  Wait for a few minutes then do it once more and stop.   Two hits for a beginner is enough.  You are not looking to do a bong with Cheech and Chong.    

And you definitely don't want to smoke weed with Willie!

Have some pleasant music on – relax.   You won’t feel particularly high but you will be relaxed.    When you have some down time from work or obligations do it again.   You will learn where your comfortable limit is.

If you don’t overdo, this will be a pleasant experience and a relief from stress.   You won’t get a hangover and the worst thing that will happen is you will get the munchies. 

Pot has always had a bad rap from people that haven’t smoked.  During the early twentieth century, white men who were fine with bathtub gin and probation rum were horrified that the black community was getting high on the Devil Weed.    Every since then pot has been made out to be an addictive killer that is the stepping stone to herion or worse.     And yet, nobody ever smoked a joint and then beat his wife and kids.  

There are medical applications for pot but they are being suppressed by dinosaurs like Jeff Beauregard Sessions.   There is relief for people suffering with Cancer, Parkinson’s, Epilepsy and PTSD; and this is a natural plant, not a chemical concoction.    

With this blind irrational fear of marijuana, we have also suppressed the use of hemp as a manufacturing product and a cash crop for farmers.   Hemp grows quickly and can be turned into cloth, paper, fuel pellets, rope and hundreds of other useful items. 

Just like racism, sexism and fundamentalism, a couple of older generations will have to die off before more progressive thinking can prevail.

The Ol’Buzzard


  1. I really wish these old coots could be gathered into rooms and forced into trying pot just once. I bet they would change their minds ever so quickly. It's a shame something which has so many uses gets thrown into the wrong category because of stuffy old men and women.

  2. It should be as easy and as legal to buy as beer.


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."