Saturday, August 4, 2018



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Presidents are not elected by the popular vote.   President are determined by the number of electoral votes they receive from the electoral college.

When you go to the pole you are not voting for a President but for an Electoral College “elector” to be determined by your party leaders (whoever they are.)

The founding fathers decided that the people were not reliable or smart enough to determine the outcome of an election for the head-of-state, so they devised a system where party leaders could put their finger on the scales to affect an outcome acceptable to the political elite. 

Here is how it works.   Each state is allowed the number of votes equal to their number of Representatives and Senators.

Here is the rub: Representatives are determined by the population of the state, but every state has two Senators.  That means the North Dakota with a population of half-a-million gets two votes for their senators and California with a population of thirty-seven-million also get only two votes that represent their senators.   This supposedly levels the playing field for states with small populations; but it also means that the will of the people – the popular vote – is devaluated. 

So, when I cast my vote here in Maine I am voting for someone that I don’t know to choose someone else that I don’t know to represent me in the Electoral College in the hope they will vote for the person I voted for.

The problem with this system is that by the end of this year, two Presidents that were not elected by popular vote will have replaced five members of the Supreme Court.     What kind of fucking democracy is this?

the Ol’Buzzard


  1. The electoral college came about because the smaller states did not want to be ruled by the larger states.

    The Connecticut Compromise came about during the Constitutional Convention in 1787. That gave the smaller states protection for the larger ones.

    IMO the last 240 some years of the USA tells me that compromise was a good thing.

  2. Why should state side matter? One person one vote - that should elect the President: Popular vote.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  3. Oh, don't get me started! It isn't a's a friggin' caged turkey shoot at best. Since 2000, we've had two presidents who won the popular vote, yet lost the election. Now, you know if those two people had been Republicans, the electoral college would be a thing of the past. Not, to sound like a conspiracy nut, but it truly is a great way to manipulate an election and hand it to someone like Numb As A Stump Trump.


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."