Friday, January 12, 2018


What I feared earlier this year has come to pass.   The racist, misogynistic and psychotic ravings of Donald Trump are now just viewed in passing as a norm – just another outrageous statement done by the President today.

Republican lawmakers are silent, or when asked about Trump quickly switch to accomplishments over the past year: The Supreme Court nomination, the tax bill, deregulation.   We hear nothing from the leadership.

Even many Democrats are silent.   Today on Morning Joe Senator Amy Klobuchar, Democrat of Minnesota, when asked about Trumps racist statements calling African nations shit holes, veered away from the question and talked about her accomplishments for the people of Minnesota – avoiding criticizing Trump for the racist he is.

This is where we are: A Republican Party that colludes with the White House administration to cover for Trump, and a Democratic party that complains; but not loud enough.

Why aren’t democratic law makers and spokespersons hitting the TV networks and screaming about Republican complicity, and calling out Trump as unfit for the office of President – the Republicans would surely be doing that if the roles were reversed.    The Democratic attitude seems to be: we will just complain if asked and wait for Mueller to do something about it.

The American public is mercurial.  I am not confident that the 2018 elections will replace Republicans.   We must remember, Trump showed who he was during the 2016 election and he still became President of the United States.    His fanatical base is still out there; and Republicans will fall in line and vote for party over country.   That along with gerrymandered voting districts and Republican enacted voter I.D. laws make a Democratic takeover of the House and Senate tentative at best.

The damage of this four years under Republican rule may be the advent of the decline of United States as a world democracy and the empowerment of Russia and China as the next world powers. 

Lennin: …
“…the last bastion of capitalism, the United States of America. We will not need to fight. It will fall as a ripe fruit into our hands.”

the Ol'Buzzard


  1. At this point, I have no confidence that this mess is going to get resolved in a good way. As you said...too much pussyfooting around with the bastards on the progressive side of the aisle.

  2. I agree that the USA is in decline as a world power. The 1% are too busy bleeding the country dry for their own benefit.

  3. he has no clothes and everyone else has no balls.


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."