This is the dark time of the
The time before the world ignites
The time before the cacophony
of sounds
drown out the sounds of the
I can hear the clock ticking
I hear the refrigerator fan
I wonder if I will have to
replace it soon?
Far in the distance I hear
the air brakes of a semi
Only he and I are awake.
He sits in his cab lit by the
green lights of the instrument panel
His heater running, country
music playing on his radio
The rest of the world is in
the death of sleep
Wait! Breaking news: there is a plane missing in
the Indian Ocean
Breaking news: 200+ people presumed
Breaking news: we know no
more than we knew two weeks ago.
not breaking news: millions of people have died in the last two weeks:
died of disease, old age, starvation, violence, war,
still birth, accidents, genocide…
Breaking news: tigers are
dying – send eight dollars to Save the Tigers.
Russian troops on the border
of Ukraine
“It takes a good guy with a
nuke to stop a bad guy with a nuke.”
Send in the Military:
Of course, the people
proposing this are not the people who would die.
Breaking news: The Supreme
Court has struck down the law limiting political contributions.
Now, the rich will run the
world just as they have always done since the industrial revolution – and
A tornado just
destroyed a house in Kansas
And the occupants are on
their knees thanking Jesus for sparing them.
Jesus obviously loved them more than their neighbors
who failed to take refuge in the bathtub
and died when the house fell on them.
Do we live in a multiverse
of bubble universes and parallel worlds?
I just farted and it stinks.
the Ol’Buzzard