Saturday, December 1, 2012


One of the blogs I follow is OneAngryZebra posted by a retired Air Force sergeant. About a third of his blog posts are pictures of naked women – the other two thirds are aircraft pictures and history post…and some politics. As I clicked on his latest entry a WARNING came up from Google stating that a number of people had complained to Google about the content of his blog and in order to proceed I had to click a Continue Button.

My question is: if people find the blog distasteful – why not restrict it on their computer and troll someplace else? You don’t like it – don’t look at it.

I get disgusted with Christians trying to tell me what books I shouldn’t be allowed to read, and what music I shouldn’t be allowed to listen to, and what sexual activity I shouldn’t be allowed to practice, and what my wife shouldn’t be allowed to do with her own body and what restrictions she should have concerning her own health decisions.

We know that God hates women – ergo Christians hate women. In their doctrine women are responsible for original sin and their bodies are dirty. It is O.K. for a man to show his tits and nipples but women’s tits are dirty – hide the children’s eyes for if they see a woman’s nipples they will go blind…it will scar them for life.

I am sick and tire of Christian attempts to turn the U.S into a theocracy. If they had the political power to do it they would enact a Christian Sharia Law and we would see nudity of women a felony offense; abortion a death penalty crime and jails full of atheist – there would be crosses in all public offices along with copies of the Ten Commandments.

Let’s get rid of In God We Trust on our money, and reaffirm that We the People and not We the Christian People have a right to Life Liberty and Happiness; and as the founders of this nation decreed - free from Christian religious censorship, tyranny and control.

the Ol’Buzzard


  1. I believe I've glanced at this blog before and didn't really appreciate it, but my thinking says oh well, just don't go back there again. Simple. I agree in that I don't know why anyone should care what someone else is doing if it doesn't hurt anyone else, but I suppose one could argue that this site does demean women and so does hurt other people. However, I prefer to simply let it go and move on to fight bigger fights and write this off as here's a guy my dad would appreciate.


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."