Saturday, October 1, 2022




Except for the arctic, you can’t look around anywhere in the world without finding ant hills.   I know that people down south say that cockroaches will survive mankind, but they are wrong – it’s the ants.

In my yard, in the summertime, there are dozens of ant hills.   There must be thousands of ants beneath the surface. 

Ants operate in collectives, they can’t survive individually.   Neighboring collectives have been known to work together forming a super collective.

The Argentine ants were spread throughout the world via world trade.   When brought together Argentine colonies from different countries form super colonies, making them the most populated society on earth.

Regardless what you try, you can't get rid of the buggers.  When the nuclear apocalypse arrives, the aunts will survive to feed on us.  

By the way

Happy October 1st. 


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."