Tuesday, July 17, 2018



I have lived through some terrible times.    I was a child during the Second World War and remember the Gold Star flags displayed by families that lost sons to the slaughter of war. 

  I remember the U.S. being the only nation to ever attack a civilian population with two nuclear weapons.

   I was a teenager during the Korean War.

   I lived in the south during segregation and was a young man during the ugliness of integration. 

 I vividly remember the assassination of President Kennedy. 

  I served during the Vietnam War where American politicians cost the lives of 58,479 military young men and women while accomplishing nothing,

 and the memory of the Twin Tower is fresh.

During all this time I never doubted the strength of the United States to recover and move on.

 This past week has been disgusting as U.S. President Donald Trump undermined NATO, denigrated the European Union and sided with Russia against U.S. intelligence agencies.  

We have passed the point where investigations are connecting Trump with colluding with a hostile power (Russia) in order to influence the election and elect himself President of the United States.  Now it seems we have crossed the Rubicon.

The blinders are off.  Trump is Putin’s bitch.  His actions of the past two years have crossed over to treason.  

I suspicion that Trump's business empire is totally financed by Russian oligarchs with the approval of Vladimir Putin.  To cross Putin would bring down his financial empire.  With all of Trump’s bravado he acts humble and submissive in the presence of Vladimir Putin and defers to Russian interest in deference to the United States.

In 1954 Vladimir Lenin predicted:
First, we will take Eastern Europe, then the masses of Asia, then we will encircle the United States which will be the last bastion of capitalism.    We will not have to attack.  It will fall like an overripe fruit into our hands.”

Nakita Khrushchev in the 1960's bragged:
“You Americans are so gullible.  No, you won’t accept Communism outright: but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of Socialism until you finally wake up and find you already have Communism.  We won’t have to fight you; we’ll so weaken your economy, until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands.”  

Just think of what has happened over the past two years.  Trump has removed us from the Word Trade Organization.  He is inflicting tariffs that will drive the U.S. economy into an inflation.  He has broken ties with the European Union and has weakened our relationship with NATO partners.  He is now openly aligning himself with Vladimir Putin and siding with the Russian military and GRE over our own intelligence networks.  He, along with the Republican party, are manipulating our courts.    He and Republican legislators are aggressively attacking the FBI, CIA and NSA.   He has held secret meetings with Russian ambassadors and now the Russian Head of State. 

Lenin and Khrushchev seem to have visualized the outcome but mistaken the method.   Who would have ever thought that Russia would be able to elect their own operative to the Presidency of the United States?

It is treason
the Ol'Buzzard


  1. He has committed blatant treason and all Congress does is wag their fingers at him and say don't do it again. Really? Back in the 50's and 60's he would have been hung at the gallows.

  2. The red-headed Russian spy they just arrested should soon help explain the GOP. They have all taken Russian money via the NRA. Anything to get elected. I don't see America winning this one easily. The Trumpanzees will take to the streets and start killing if Mueller starts indicting Trump and family. TRump will fire Mueller, pardon everyone including himself. The Blue Wave will be blunted by GOP shenanigans and Trump will be reelected in 2020. You have seen your last free and fair election.

    1. This is what I fear. The Republicans have no bottom and the Democrats have no balls.
      the Ol'Buzzard

  3. May you live in interesting times.


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."