I consider
myself a liberal person and to some extent a Buddhist, but most of all a
free-thinking individual. I refuse to
identify myself with any group think.
Our Maine Governor and Donald Trump are in a standoff about transgender girls competing in girls’ sports. I must admit I have some conflicting feelings on this subject.
However, I
try to isolate myself from feelings and view subjects with a logical mind.
How a person
wishes to dress is none of my business.
The gender a person wishes to identify as is none of my business.
Who a person
wishes to have sex with is none of my business.
sex acts of other people are none of my business.
athletics is none of my business, and I will not enter into the fray: I don’t
have a dog in that hunt, but I would be uncomfortable strictly from a fairness
Boys have a
different pelvic structure than girls, and boys have a distinct muscular build and
a different hormonal makeup than girls.
transgender woman or girl has every right to dress the way she is comfortable,
and every right to associate herself with the gender she is most
comfortable. She has every right to
surgery to make herself more comfortable in the role she chooses.
But, if she
does not have, or has not had, ovaries and an egg that drops every month causing the
hormonal rollercoaster of a period, and the internal organs designed for pregnancy and
carrying a fetus to term, then strictly speaking she is not female.
Males competing against females in a physical sport would likely have an unfair advantage.
But again, I
don’t have a dog in this hunt. and I do support our governor standing up to
Maine's governor, a woman, has been the only person who has shown the toughness to answer Trump back to his face.
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COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."