Monday, December 23, 2024




With a katrillion stars in the universe and a katrillion katrillion planets and moons orbiting these stars, it is the height of egotism to believe that it all exists simply for the reverence of a few billion humans following the Christian religion on the small insignificant planet Earth.


Or perhaps in our self-worship we are unaware that we live in a multi-quantum-universe, where the earth and the planets are actually electrons circling the nucleus (the sun) and that our solar system is an atom, and all the atoms (star systems) in our galaxy form a molecule, and all the molecules (galaxies) in our universe form a cell, and all the cells in the multiverse form an electron in a higher order atom - ad infimum

 until finally we enter a relative universe where the final chain of cells form the creator of all.  




Perhaps the Big Bang was actually the birth of a creature in a higher universe where our universe is only a single cell.    And as our universe ages the creature in the higherverse  (a different space-time continuum) will also age.  When our universe dies, which it surely will, the creature will also die. 


And our universe is somewhere in there.

  And where does that leave us?  A hair on a flea on a wart on a frog on a bump on a log in a hole in the bottom of the sea. 

For those who need reassurance 

Move to Texas

the Ol'Buzzard


  1. These thoughts are way too big and deep for most people's comprehension! That's why the world is the way it is.

  2. This is why I read this blog. The older I get, the more I realize how profoundly limited most human are to rationale thought. I haven’t held much hope for the human race for many years. Sad.

  3. We Humans do take ourselves too seriously, don't we?

  4. The size of the Universe is beyond human comprehension. The new telescope images stuff so far away, it is incomprehensible. We do think highly of ourselves. We make the vice of our ignorance into a virtue

  5. I did not know you believed in "God".

    1. I don't know why it does not show my internet name - bornfreev

    2. God is an invention of mankind.

    3. There is no god
      the Ol'Buzzard


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."