Tuesday, February 6, 2024



I’M BACK.   I think!


Every blogger eventually burns out for a spell.   Over the past year, I have posted just enough to keep the blog active.  

I had some medical problems; but the real cause was that I was so tired of constantly seeing Trump’s face on the news, on blogs, and occupying my post, that I needed a break.   

I long for a time when a person runs for President, is elected, and then forgotten about for four years until the next election season. 

In the few years I have left I do not need aggravation over something which I have no control. 

Am I a cynic?   Yeah, I fucking am.

I served in Viet Nam where over 58,000 military men and women lost their lives over nothing.   Hundreds of thousands more carried injuries and mental trauma from the killing that took place on both sides – then we retreated in shame.   What did those deaths accomplish?   Absolutely nothing; because we went right back to wars. 

The propensity of young men wishing to be warriors feeds the death mill of wars in the name of patriotism, while politicians collect their salaries and go home each night.   

Human beings are a dangerous and destructive species. We populate the earth at an unsustainable rate.  We are one of the few animal species that actively kill our kind.  At the start of the industrial revolution, we began the systematic march toward the destruction of the world’s climate.    We are the only species with the ability to press a button and cause a catastrophic extinction event. 

In the time I have left, I will attempt to enjoy my wife, my cat, my books, and the simple pleasures.   Life is too important to squander on patriotism, politics, religion, …

But like the frog carrying the scorpion across the river, it is our nature.



the Ol’Buzzard



1 comment:

  1. Glad you're back and feeling rejuvenated! It's a good idea not to over-focus on politics and worry about a dire future. That only prevents us from enjoying what pleasure we can derive from life right now. You've done your bit for this world, let others carry that weight on their shoulders now.

    I think we could all use a post about your cat, complete with some photos!


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."