Saturday, March 4, 2023



As I grow old, way past my sell-by date, I find it harder to blog;   primarily because I find my give-a-shit factor going off the scale.


As my body parts start to wear out I become more of an observer than a participant.    When you are treading water and the shark fins are circling it is hard to be concerned about the people rowing away in the life raft.

It is hard to care.   When I stand aside and look at the violent history of the human race I am some disgusted.

People individually are usually decent and just trying to get by, but when people separate into packs (religions, national identities, political affiliations, racial identities, gangs, mobs, clubs, volunteer groups, etc.) they take on groupthink: people like us are the good guys. 


Neil de Grasse Tyson wrote, “The greatest factor of a working democracy is that we get to disagree without killing each other.”

Think about that.    That is a pathetic statement.   It is our groupthink, and especially our male nature to kill each other. 


The Young Buzzard; perhaps nine or ten years old
I rest my case. 

What other explanation is there when nations stockpile weapons and individuals buy powerful handguns and assault weapons - other than to prepare to kill each other?


That little insecure asshole who carries a weapon into McDonald’s is hoping for an excuse to kill someone to prove his manhood – what other possible explanation is there?

We are, after all, just an advanced breed of monkey.    We can try to separate ourselves from our evolutionary tree by inventing gods in our likeness and touting our material advancements, but our true nature is just under the surface.

Really.   Just look at the insanity of our national conflicts.   There is no solution – this is who we are.     

What point am I trying to make?  

Fuck if I know.

the Ol’Buzzard


  1. A great rant about the built-in desire to tribalize when resources are scarce. And resources are always scarce. Can we rewire our DNA?


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."