Tuesday, February 4, 2020


  I know Iowa wants to keep 'the first in the nation' because of the money it brings in.    Beginning months before the caucus; the state is flooded with candidates, surrogates and news media - a big financial boon for a small farming state in the middle of winter.

Iowa, at 99 percent white, does not represent the cross section of the Democrat Party.  This would be a fine state for the Republican Party lead off, as it is a majority white party.  But, Michigan, Illinois, Florida or North Carolina would be a better choice to lead off the Democrat selection process. 

The caucus system needs to go.   It is past its sell-by-date.  The caucus is more of a social gathering playing a political board game.    The majority of the Iowan Democrat Party is disenfranchised and unable, or unwilling to attend and play the game; which results in a small minority percentage (16%) of Iowa Democrat voters actually determining an outcome. 

It is time we stop playing politics as usual.   We need to have automatic voter registration; a national holiday on voting day, upgraded voting precincts; and get rid of the electoral college: one person one vote should be the standard for winning an election. 

Sorry Iowa; but you need to be moved to the middle of the pack, along with New Hampshire.      

just my opinion
the Ol'Buzzard


  1. The electoral college was used to convince the smaller states to join the union. The electoral college is the equalizer between big states and small states.

  2. Why Iowa? Why in January? Why caucus anyway? Why does the election process last so long? Is the process a cruel endurance contest to judge NOT leadership/policy expertise, but instead to reward youthful vigor? The whole election process is flawed.


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."