Thursday, February 20, 2020


 Well, just as predicted, the Democrats in last nights debate formed a circular firing squad with Bloomberg in the center, and commenced to destroy themselves in the process, while Donald Trump sat in the White House gloating. 

If Bloomberg should  become the nominee, how in the world can Warren and others on the stage support him without appearing as total Hippocrates.   How can their supporters get behind the possible nomination of Bloomberg, after the total contempt shown toward him by the other candidates during this debate? 

Donald Trump only needs to rerun clips of this debate during his campaign, if Bloomberg should become the Democrat nominee. 

Real damage to the party was done last night, and possibly increased  the chances of a second term for Donald Trump.

Democrats have a history of eating their own; and we saw it last night.

I am some disgusted!
the Ol'Buzzard


  1. I am just sick about it too. I didn't watch, not wanting to see the Dems eating their own, but the clips have been played over & over today. After last night, I can feel our Democracy dying. Melodramatic? Today we learn that Russia is interfering again.

  2. After last nights fiasco he has already won even if the Russians don't help. The Democratic candidates played Russian Roulette and they all lost. What really matters now is that the the Dems take both the House and Senate and get Moscow Mitch out of there. That is our only hope

  3. The NYtimes writes Russia helps Sanders:


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."