To be truly free would be: to be free of all government constrains
– to live a life of independence and make choices without conformity to other
people's ideas and desires. This sounds
wonderful, but would require a regression to a hunting and gathering
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A free man - Jim Bridger - mountain man |
Interaction with society is a necessary evil, and societies
need governments to organize and run infrastructures, protect resources, oversee
commerce and establish a judicial system that looks out for the rights of individuals.
Corporations are not people – they are not individuals: they are gangs or cults that are in the
business of exploiting the needs of people in order to make a profit. Their natural inclination is to make a profit
at any cost. Like any gang, mob or organized
group of people, corporations have a persona and the person characteristics of
an individual; and, just like individuals, it survives through the Darwinian
principal of adjust to change or die.
No corporation operates for the benefit of man kind unless it is convenient
for its business model.
The ideal purpose of government is to furnish and maintain
the things that an individual is not capable of alone: roads, bridges, mass
transit, health care, police, fire and rescue services and protection of the
environmental; but also for protection of the individual from the exploitation
of corporations and other cults and organized groups.
No government has ever operated primarily for the good of
the individual. Our government is no
exception. But now, more than ever, the
United States
is in real danger of being co-opted and moved in the direction of authoritarian
rule. It is not operating for the welfare of the individual, but instead has
become the tool of corporate greed and religious cults - whose goal it is to
exploit and subjugate the individual.
The trend of the U.S. government at this time,
especially as driven by the Republican right, is to go far beyond servicing the
individual. The government is now being
manipulated by the class of wealthy people, who profit from the corporations,
in order to accumulate more wealth.
Even more dangerous is the cult of religious extremist who,
through the Republican Party, are attempting to co-opt influence in the
government, with the aim of creation a Christian theocracy. Under the banner of ‘less government and
family values’ these organized mobs, like a moral Gestapo, would insert themselves
into our most private and personal lives; decreeing what we should believe,
what we should learn, what we should read, and controlling our sexual and
reproductive choices. They would legislate laws giving preference to
‘White Americans’; they would establish English as the national language and
Christianity as the national religion. These
extreme Christian groups are no longer a minority voice, but are represented by
the Republican majority. They would
revel in an opportunity to establish Christian Shariah law and bring back the
inquisition to persecute those who dare to believe or think differently.
The parallels to Orwell’s 1984 are startling. We have
lost the guarantee of trial by jury under the hypocritical name of The Freedom
Act. The government now has the
authority to access our e-mails and track our internet activity, they can read
our letters and even monitor the books we check out at the library without
proving just cause and seeking judicial approval. We can be arrested and held indefinitely
without trial and even detained by the military and tried by a military
The loss of these Constitutional rights is trivial when
compared to the America
proposed by the Tea Party – fundamentalist Christian co-opted Republican
Party. We could find ourselves moved
back – not to the 1950’s – but to a new Dark Ages where the Bible would replace
our Bill of Rights.
During the Stalin era the Communist Manifesto claimed that
war with the America
was not necessary because the U.S would fall “like an over ripe plumb” because
of the inequality among its people.
Communist Russia in no longer a threat and the economic
inequality has surely increased; but the real threat is ignorance and religious
the Ol'Buzzard
Old Buzzard,
ReplyDeleteThat is the best post I have read in awhile. Thank you. I fear a theocracy above all else.
I have an associate - I will not call him a friend - that is an extreme right wing thumper.
One day he asked me about my views on gay marriage. I told him that I don't care what those people do; it doesn't involve me. He said it was wrong and got into the Adam and Eve and not Frank and Sam or Jane and Cynthia crap. Again, I asked - How does that affect you? He told me that he found it offending.
Who cares what offends him?
Rick Perry is saying that a female (girl or woman I would imagine) that is impregnated during a rape or incest must carry that child to term. This is pure religious insanity.
Keep warm,
Damn fine post. But unlike you I have never considered our government having as their first and foremost concern the rights of the individual. Our system of government is only concerned with our rights as long as they are convenient for their own survival. I have always held that a government's first priority is survival. To that end, any protection of the individual rights of the citizenry will only be part of their policy as long they see being in their own self interest.
ReplyDeleteThat is why it seems that historically governments always seem to move away from their original ideals. The successful ones settle somewhere between authoritarian and democratic. The ones who do not adapt usually end up burning themselves out.
I am concerned about our country in that I see a shift away from personal liberty because the leaders in charge find that to be the direction needed to rein in the discontent brewing outside our borders and within.
They bluff us into believing their policies are for our protection when any change is almost always for their protection. The system always comes first.
We know what's bad or wrong, but what do we do to change it? No one seems to be able to answer that question, and I for one think it a bit too late.
ReplyDeleteIf a government can't provide the benefits promised then its likely to fail altogether. It wouldn't surprise me to see the US eventually separate into 5 or 6 regionally based distinct countries. Of course, at that point Canada would likely do the same.
ReplyDeleteExcellent post. I too fear a Religious Right Fascist government in America. The noose is drawing tighter every day. The parallels with Germany are too frightening to consider.