Thursday, March 20, 2025




As you age, one of the things you worry about is falling. Getting in and out of a tub is doable but becomes more complicated with age. 

I have seen the ads for walk-in tubs; a woman lying back in a spa-like setting in a sitting tub with a door. 

And an advantage is you can't tell the farts from the bubbles!

This seemed the perfect answer to replace our bathtub. 


Fortunately, we live in an information age. 


I have never seen one of these tubs, and I don’t doubt they give you a safe and comfortable bathing experience, but there are downsides. 

The tub volume is forty to sixty gallons, and you must enter and sit there while the tub fills, which could take five minutes or more.  When your bath is finished you must sit there while the water completely drains.  The sidewalls are high, so in an emergency, you are pretty much stuck in the tub until it drains.

These tubs are expensive and the cost of the tub doesn't include the cost of installation, which could double the price of the tub.

We have a walk-in shower, so the tub to me is just a luxury, a place to sit and soak with a book and a cup of tea. 

The walk-in tub looks good, but I think I will pass.

the Ol’Buzzard




  1. I regret going with the "must have a bathtub for future selling of the house" crap. Now, I *really* wish I'd have done a walk-in shower instead of shower in the tub.

    As for the walk-in tub, it wouldn't be bad having to sit in it while filling, but who wants to sit in a tub with soap scum covering you while it drains. You need a shower after to get that off. And how the heck do you clean soap residue out of the whirlpool jets so crud doesn't start growing in them?

  2. I can get in and out of the tub to stand under the shower, but I can't take an actual bath because getting up and down to sit in it is impossible for me. Which is too bad because I enjoy a good relaxing soak; it can relieve a lot of stress and (with epsom salts) a lot of minor aches and pains.

    I'd LOVE to have a walk-in tub like that. One is not in my future but still, a girl can dream, can't she? I realized the drawback already of the long wait while the tub fills and drains, but that's a small inconvenience, in my opinion. And in case of emergency, open the door and get out, to hell with the flood. Unless the door is on some kind of automatic lock so it can't be opened while water is in the tub, I don't know.

  3. I have two bathtubs in my house (one is a jacuzzi) and I can't get in or out of either of them! The only users recently have been my grandies. Luckily I have a couple of walk in showers..... so much easier than worrying about who is going to rescue me if I get stuck.

  4. I can step into our tub to shower but if I sat down to bath, they would need a crane to lift me out. My knees and legs are too weak for that stuff. I have neuropathy in both legs and a very poor sense of balance so I have to hang onto a safety bar. But I can still keep clean


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."