Our biggest threat is not climate change or WMDs, it is likely Artificial Intelligence. We can program a computer to self-learn but still do not know the internal process taking place.
Over a short period, Google Chess AI downloaded every chess game ever published, taught itself the rules of chess, and is unbeatable by any human Chess master.
So far, we are controlling AI by programming them to operate within a narrow function. We presently know how to program a supercomputer to allow AI to teach itself independently, but we do not have a supercomputer capable of handling the capacity required for a totally independent AI.
Assuredly, computer science will advance to that capability. A
supercomputer that could download all human knowledge. A God computer? It is a given that bots can replace humans, with
greater efficiency, in most jobs. What
assurance do we have that a Supercomputer would not decide that humans were an
unnecessary annoyance and decide to eradicate us?
All we have to fear is fear itself; or perhaps a nuclear holocaust, a worldwide pandemic plague, total climate destruction, an asteroid collision, or: I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave.......
As yellowdog granny would have said: We're Fucked.
the Ol'Buzzard