Wednesday, February 19, 2025




We are all time travelers.  We are on a never pausing spaceship traveling into the future.


Einstein postulated that if light speed is constant then time is not.  If time is not a fixed standard, then it will vary by the speed of one object moving away from another.


An astronaut leaves Earth traveling at 8/10 the speed of light.  After 30 years on the spaceship, 50 years will have passed on Earth. 


People belonging to the know-nothing party, which is the base of the Republican Party, will say that Relativity, like Evolution, is just a theory – somehow they will weave god into it.   

But time travel is a standard calculation that allows GPS to operate and allows us to land a space probe or ship with precise accuracy on another planet or moon. 

Time is bendable and can be affected by gravity, opening the possibility of wormholes, but that is another formulation. 


To my way of thinking, time is truly relative to the individual.   When I was eight years old the time between one Christmas and the next was an eternity.   Now in my eighties, it seems I wake up and another month has passed. 


Then perhaps this is all just a simulation.  Zeus's son is playing a computer game and we are just avatars.   

the Ol'Buzzard


  1. I have been thinking about the relative length of days as I age. They still have 24 hours but looking back, so many have pqssed so quickly


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."