Thursday, January 9, 2025


The weather here is bitter.  We have had less snow this year than last, but have below-normal temperatures.     Temps this week are in the low double and single numbers, and we have a wind advisory for the entire week with winds from 15 to 40, resulting in windchills well below zero.  


It is definitely time to stay indoors and read a good mystery.


I can’t allow myself to be disturbed by politics this late in my life.  I have quit watching the news since Trump’s election, but unfortunately, I don’t live in a vacuum.


 Trump is talking about invading Denmark (one of our NATO allies) and taking Greenland by military force, annexing Canada as our 51st state by crashing their economy, and taking the Panama Canal by force.


 We soon will have a mentally unbalanced man as President of the United States.  If you know history the parallels to Nazi Germany in the forties are chilling.  The only thing lacking is racial eugenics.


The scary thing is, just as in Germany, the majority of the population supports this psychotic con man.




He does not plan to give up the Presidency after his four-year term in office.


the Ol’Buzzard



  1. “It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” Mark Twain
    Your warning is salient. In his fourth year he will be planting the seed in the minds of his addled minded followers that the constitution should be changed so he can rule à la Putin. If that is allowed to happen the comparisons to Hitler will be fulfilled.

  2. Yes, we're all Cassandras shouting into the wind about that dangerous maniac.

  3. Goebbels and Hitler would be so proud of Trump and his bootlickers. I just hope North America doesn't end up as a smouldering pile of rubble like Europe in WWII. Appeasement doesn't work -- how many times do we have to learn that lesson?

  4. Scary as hell, isnt it? Trump lies constantly but too often follows through on his threats. Our economy will be too easy to crash, I am afraid


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."