Sunday, January 12, 2025



The few people who read my blog are probably tired of me constantly bringing up my age.  But this is the world I live in. 


My doctors want to text me but it doesn’t work on a landline.   I have a cell phone but I don’t turn it on unless I am away from home.

Besides, I am unsure how to use all the apps or why I really need them. 

Every day my wife and I do the Boston Crossword Puzzle together and often the clues are in text speak, like LOL.  The acronyms don’t even resemble the word or phrase they are replacing.  For someone who still writes in cursive, I feel it is obscene and an affront to language. 

Last year I received an Apple iPad.  Here I am trying to figure out how to use the photo app to take a picture of myself taking a picture of myself in my bathroom mirror.   


Thank god for YouTube.   (If you still need to worship a God, then Google AI is probably as salient a choice as any - and according to George Carlin you can always pray to Joe Pesci for divine guidance)

Almost everything I have learned in life I learned from reading manuals. I love manuals where I can underline important instructions and make margin notes.   But things don’t come with manuals any longer.  So, YouTube is my Bible. 

I tolerate new things.   I like old things.  My favorite sweater is a hand-spun wool hand-knitted sweater that is forty-six years old.  My favorite hat is twenty-four years old.   Most of the shirts in my closet are twenty years old, and my boots are twenty-five years old, though the rubber bottoms have been replaced by L.L. Beans once.

But I have to admit not all young things are bad 

I do have a new Carhart winter coat that I like very much.

And I am madly in love with my young wife, who is the sexiest woman I have ever known. 

While teaching in Alaska the school aide always called her Blue Berry Eyes.

On the tundra with a kindergarten class picking berries

An older picture, but she never changes

I have no complaints about my age.  This is the best time of my life – I am just out of step with the rest of the world, which suits me fine.

And aging is definitely better than the alternative.

the Ol’Buzzard 


Now maybe he can quit posting about his age


  1. Don't quit. Reinforces the rest of us geezers.

  2. We're all in the same aging boat. I'm okay with technology if someone can physically show me how to do something step-by-step. Otherwise, forget it -- I'm lost! And you're right -- nothing comes with a hard copy manual anymore. They say "look on our website" and then there's nothing there or it's useless!

  3. And I forgot to say -- "Blueberry Eyes" -- what a lovely nickname!

  4. We lucked out because our 26 year old grandson lives with us. He is a godsend and technologically gifted. … Rian

  5. I miss paper manuals too. I always wrote in them, or at the very least highlighted the parts I'd have to refer to fairly often. Like how to start the self-cleaning on the oven. Or where I last found things like replacement bulbs for the stove vent light, or note where I put them so I can find them again. That's also where I put receipts for things with guarantees, especially "lifetime" ones.
    There are very few additional apps that I put on my phone. I never did get into the habit of having it with me at all times, especially in the house. Not sure I'd remember how to add another one if I wanted to.

    Blue Berry Eyes - what a fantastic nickname!


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."