Thursday, June 27, 2024





When I turn on the news this morning the speculation about the Presidential debate between President Biden and Trump consumed the cable news outlets.  All this speculation is ridiculous as we only have to wait until nine o'clock tonight and all will be revealed.

As there is nothing I can do to affect the outcome of the debate tonight, so I made toast, a boiled egg, and tea – these I have control over.

Actually, I have little control over the way my toast comes out of the toaster.

 I must have owned a dozen toasters over the years and have always complained about uneven toasting or toast darker on one side than the other.

The last toaster I owned was a Cuisinart.  It had a shiny stainless steel body, but it toasted no better than the twelve-dollar toaster from Walmart.    The wrapped wire heating elements made in China in the twelve-dollar toaster at Walmart are likely the exact same Chinese wire heating elements we find in Cuisinart.


After going on YouTube if found that Dash was listed as one of the best toasters by America’s Test Kitchen.


For the last two years, I have owned a Dash toaster.  Though not perfect, it is the best toaster I have ever owned – and it comes in colors.

 Instead of the wrapped wire element, the Dash has four ceramic rods, one on the top and one on the bottom of each side.  These rods glow red hot and toast the bread fairly evenly.  



Dash also has a window so you can watch the toasting process.  The Dash has defrost, reheat, and bagel buttons.

  I have never used the defrost or reheat -perhaps they are for Poptarts and frozen waffles - but the bagel button lights the rods on one side of the toaster, toasting only the cut half of the bagel.  


So this morning instead of watching the bed-wetting, speculation, and hype about this evening’s debate, I made a piece of toast, a boiled egg, and a cup of tea, and decided to post about the Dash toaster that gave me a nice dark, evenly toasted bread this morning. 

I don’t post for any company or product; but when I find something I like I will pass it on.

the Ol’Buzzard

Monday, June 24, 2024




Walmart hires a lot of disabled and handicapped people.  When I enter the Walmart here in town I see several people who wouldn’t be able to hold a job elsewhere, yet they have employment at Walmart. 


The local Super Store is a large employer in our area.  I know that pay scales and conditions often get highlighted by I-Hate-Walmart-People, but in a rural area where jobs are scarce, especially for older and less employable workers, Walmart is an option.  And they are always hiring.


Almost any product I buy now, I buy through Walmart online.  The reason is, that if I receive the product and have a problem with it, or just decide I don’t like it, I can drive down to Walmart and return it for a full refund on the spot, no questions asked: no repackaging, shipping labels or dealing with some customer service department.


All the surrounding small towns in our county depend on the local Walmart for products that would not be available locally otherwise, as our nearest big box stores would be an hour or more drive away – and for people physically unable to shop, Walmart delivers.



The store is airconditioned and so what better place for people watching?

You can always see something great at Walmart.

the Ol'Buzzard

Saturday, June 22, 2024



For decades Christians have been subtly moving to establish a Christian Caliphate in this country – to declare the United States ‘A Christian Nation’ under Christian rules and doctrine, and under a Christian Sharia law.

Future punishment for abortion?

Now it is not so subtle.   Christian Nationalists, through the Republican Party, have dismantled Roe vs Wade, they are coming for contraception by declaring fetus personhood.  Women’s sexuality (original sin) is in their crosshairs, along with the LGBT+ community.  


In Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry has signed a bill requiring all public classrooms to display the Ten Commandments.


This is just the beginning.  


 the Ol'Buzzard


Thursday, June 20, 2024



It is not enough that a person can walk into a gun shop or gun show and walk out with a military-style semi-automatic high-velocity weapon with an extended magazine.   Now the conservative Supreme Court has nullified a ban on bump stocks, which can turn semi-automatic weapons into rapid-fire mass killing machines like the ones used in the Las Vegas shooting that killed sixty people and wounded five hundred.

Just wait until the next mass shooting….

This country is fucking nuts

the Ol'Buzzard

Friday, June 7, 2024



please enlarge to watch

You can show respect for the young men who fought and died in wars without agreeing with it.

the Ol'Buzzard

Wednesday, June 5, 2024





This is an historic week in American military history.  This week commemorates the battles of Belleau Woods in the First World War and the assault on the Beaches of Normandy in World War Two.


On June 1, 1918, the Battle of Belleau Woods in France was a dramatic moment that enshrined the valor of the United States Marine Corps.   Badly outnumbered and badly supplied the Marines defeated a superior German force preventing the capture of Paris.


Eighteen, nineteen, and twenty-year-old Marines charged into Belleau woods with fixed bayonets assaulting dug-in German machinegun emplacements


The battles were so hard fought that Marines often found themselves in hand-to-hand combat.  The United States Marines fought so fiercely that the Germans referred to them as Devil Dogs.

President Biden is traveling to France to visit the cemeteries of the Americans lost in the battles at Belleau Woods and Normandy.


In Juen 2018 a 100-year commemorative service was held at a cemetery in France to recognize the United States Marines killed in World War 1 at the battle of Belleau Woods.


It was raining the morning of the service and President Donald Trump decided not to attend the ceremony.


According to four people with first-hand knowledge, Trump rejected the visit because he feared his hair would get soaked


Speaking to senior staff members Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery?”   “It’s filled with losers.”


Later Trump said that the 1800 Marines killed at Belleau Woods were suckers for getting killed.


Trump claimed he canceled his attendance at the last minute because the helicopter couldn’t fly in the rain and the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him.


Of course, neither was true.   Helicopters regularly fly in the rain. General Kelly and an American delegation attended the service in Trump’s absence.  

Semper Fi Marines


the Ol’Buzzard

USN ret.