Thursday, August 1, 2024




All of the chaotic drama we are experiencing with the Donald Trump Show falls directly at the feet of Merrick Garland. 


President Obama picked Garland as his choice for the Supreme Court because he was bland and uncontroversial, thus Obama figured that he would be less objectional to the Republican Senate's confirmation.   

Mitch McConnell blocked that appointment by refusing to bring Garland up for a vote.   


President Biden is one of the best Presidents of my lifetime.   The only major mistake he made was the appointment of Garland as Attorney General.  I feel Biden made the appointment with respect for Obama and as a show of defiance to the Senate Republicans.


Had any other Attorney General been appointed, I feel that Trump would have been indicted for treason on January 7th.  Merrick Garland procrastinated two and a half years before appointing a Special Prosecutor to investigate Trump, guaranteeing us four more years of the Donald Trump show.


I don’t think Kamala will make that mistake.   When she is President I expect her to appoint a kick-ass prosecutor as Attorney General then perhaps Old Weird Donald will get his comuppins.

 the Ol'Buzzard

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COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."