Wednesday, July 31, 2024



When I got up this morning I did a quick workout on my Total Gym.   I am in my mid-eighties and am in pretty good shape for my age.   I am 5' 11" and weigh 195.  This gives me a body index of 25.4 - a little overweight.   

The best purchase I ever made for my health was my Total Gum.   Seventeen years ago I purchased a Total Gym 1400 for about $200.  Except for a few illnesses, I have been consistent with a ten-minute workout most days. 

First thing in the morning I get up - feed the cat - do a couple minutes of stretches and then ten minutes on the total gym.   An easy routine habit to establish.  

I don't advertise for Total Gym or any product, but I believe my routine has benefited my health and preserved the muscle tone of my upper body.

Before the Total Gym, I had a membership with the local college gym, where I am an alumnus.  It turned out I only attended sporadically.  I had to pay a yearly fee.  I had to find the time to drive to the gym, work out, and then drive home.  On rainy days, snowy days, hot days, or almost any excuse I would skip my workout.

My Total Gym was a one-time purchase and is here in my home.   If I can't take ten minutes out of my day to workout, then shame on me. 

Total Gym prices rise over $1000; but the equivalent to the Total Gym I bought seventeen years ago is the APEX G3, which sells through Walmart for $439.99.  You don't need all the fancy attachments, you would probably never use them.  The advantage of ordering through Walmart is if you don't like the product you can take it to your local Walmart for a no questions asked refund.  (check out the length.)

I do the equivalent of rowing, an ab exercise, curls - then turn around and do push-ups, chin-ups, another ab exercise, and finally sit-ups; all on the Total Gym. Ten sets each.  It takes less than ten minutes total including stretching.  

If you are looking for bodybuilding you need to go to the gym and work weights; but if you want an exercise routine just to stay in shape, a workout on the Total Gym and walking will do the trick. 

Just wanted to share

the Ol'Buzzard



  1. Buzz, I remember when you bought the Total Gym! I did not realize I had been following you for so long! Where does the time go ...

  2. Oh, by the way, how about some photos of your kitty? I remember Cora.


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."