Monday, August 19, 2024


Yellowdog Granny posted this a while ago, but it says everything about the Democrats and Republicans.


Tim Walz was born in a small rural Nebraska town. Walz graduated from public high school at age seventeen and immediately enlisted in the Army National Guard.   He worked up through the enlisted ranks retiring after 24 years of service.   


Waltz went to state college with the help of the GI Bill.   He graduated with a teaching degree and became a high school teacher and coach.   He married a teacher. 


After retirement from the military Walz was elected six times to Congress.   

Walz is one of the most popular governors in Minnesota's history.


Walz's accomplishments as governor have been wide-ranging and focused on the middle class.


Walz passed a 2.3-billion-dollar budget that expanded the pre-k education program and provided breakfast and lunch for all school children, and he passed a child tax credit for people in poverty.


Walz led and expanded Minnesota’s reproductive right to choose law. 


He passed laws protecting children from gender-affirming care and banned ‘conversion therapy.’


He ended book banning based on ideology.


Walz expanded worker's rights, establishing paid leave and paid sick days.  He banned non-competitive work contracts against workers, including at Amazon warehouses, construction sites, hospitals, nursing homes, and public schools.


Walz signed the biggest infrastructure law in Minnesota’s history.


Walz's budget contained free college for students with a household income of less than $80,000, and he cut taxes with every budget.


Walz signed into law a voting rights bill.


Walz passed laws lowering the cost of prescription drugs, including insulin, and attached an emergency assistance rider.  He banned medical debt from affecting credit scores, and the automatic transfer of medical debt to parents and spoused. 


He signed a bipartisan bill to make Minnesota energy independent by 2040.


He signed a billion-dollar bill to expand affordable housing.


Walz legalized marijuana for adults and canceled convictions for non-violent cannabis convictions. 


Walz is a man of the people, and he likes pigs.


J. D. Vance:

A Yale graduate who made millions in Silicon Valley.   He is anti-abortion, opposed to same-sex marriages, against support for Ukraine, and obsessed with women's reproduction, believing that women’s whole purpose in life is to have children and raise children.  

These are our choices for VP.   And remember that is one step away from the Presidency.

the OL'Buzzard



Saturday, August 10, 2024



Cat Ladies Vote

My wife and I were at a restaurant earlier this week and at one table there was a screaming infant and a couple of young misbehaving children.   

Our bill came to $74.00 

I wish restaurants had Childless Cat Ladies and Childless Cat Couples seating.

We could sit around and share pictures and stories about our cats in a nice quiet adult atmosphere while waiting for our food.

The lion queen

the Ol'Buzzard

Thursday, August 8, 2024




The man stays up all night posting weird screeds on Truth Social.

On Tuesday he posted that Joe Biden was going to crash the Democratic National Convention and attempt to seize back power. 

“What are the chances that Crooked Joe Biden, The WORST president in the history of the U.S., whose Presidency was Unconstitutionally STOLEN from him by Kamabla, Barrack HUSSEIN Obama, Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Shifty Adam Schiff, Cryin Chuck Schumer, and others on the the Lunatic left, CRASHES the Democrat National Convention and tries to take back the Nomination, beginning with challenging me to another DEBATE.

His cure for COVID-19 was drinking bleach and injecting disinfectant.   


He paints himself orange.

He constantly tells himself and others that he is a genius.

He is 78 years old and believes himself irresistible to women.

In Trump Tower, he pooped in a gold toilet – How weird is that?

the Ol’Buzzard

Thursday, August 1, 2024




All of the chaotic drama we are experiencing with the Donald Trump Show falls directly at the feet of Merrick Garland. 


President Obama picked Garland as his choice for the Supreme Court because he was bland and uncontroversial, thus Obama figured that he would be less objectional to the Republican Senate's confirmation.   

Mitch McConnell blocked that appointment by refusing to bring Garland up for a vote.   


President Biden is one of the best Presidents of my lifetime.   The only major mistake he made was the appointment of Garland as Attorney General.  I feel Biden made the appointment with respect for Obama and as a show of defiance to the Senate Republicans.


Had any other Attorney General been appointed, I feel that Trump would have been indicted for treason on January 7th.  Merrick Garland procrastinated two and a half years before appointing a Special Prosecutor to investigate Trump, guaranteeing us four more years of the Donald Trump show.


I don’t think Kamala will make that mistake.   When she is President I expect her to appoint a kick-ass prosecutor as Attorney General then perhaps Old Weird Donald will get his comuppins.

 the Ol'Buzzard