Monday, July 27, 2020
Donald Trump
has committed so many outrageous improprieties as President, any one of which
would bring an end to a normal administration, that the public is in
overload. Before you have become
incensed about one outrage, he has moved on to another and another.
When we look
through the blizzard of his atrocities, one main theme stands out: he will go
to any extreme to secure his reelection to avoid the legal ramifications
waiting him after his term of office.
Trump’s latest
malfeasance is, what seems to be, his bungling of the pandemic response, and his
intention to deploy his own secret police force throughout the United
We should
not get distracted by focusing on each event unconnectedly. His final goal is, has always been, to remain
in office.
Trump knows
that if the election were held today, he would lose decidedly. His only hope of remaining in office is to
disrupt the electoral process in November.
After months
of no federal response to control the COVID-19 pandemic, we can expect the
infection rate and the death toll to skyrocket in a Fall resurgence.
I believe
that prior to the November election Donald Trump will institute marshal law and
issue a stay-at-home proclamation in light of the out of control Coronavirus,
and his deployed secrete police in every state will enforce the order,
effectively cancelling the 2020 election.
We should be
afraid; be very afraid, of a tyrant in the Office of the Presidency.
the Ol’Buzzard
Friday, July 24, 2020
If you have
a Trump bumper sticker and a MIA/POW sticker on your ride, you need to remove
one or the other because they are not compatible.
Trump was a
spoiled rich kid, son of a millionaire property developer in New York. He received four deferments from military
service during the Vietnam era while in college, where he played football,
squash, tennis and golf. Immediately
after leaving college his father had a doctor write him a medical deferment
from the draft, claiming bone spurs in a foot.
In an
interview with Howard Stern Trump laughed about it, saying he had his own
Vietnam era trauma; that he had been ‘a brave soldier’ by avoiding venereal
disease during that time.
This draft
dodger had the gall to later attack John McCain; saying the John McCain was not
a hero just because he was captured. Saying,
“I like men who weren’t captured.”
He liked men
who weren’t captured: Who the hell is he
to look down on MIA/POW’s.
Now we find
that Russia placed a bounty on the heads of American Soldiers in Afghanistan,
and Trump says nothing; afraid to upset he hero Vladimir Putin.
the Ol’Buzzard,
USN Ret.
Saturday, July 18, 2020

Wednesday, July 15, 2020
The Covid-19
virus has run like wild fire through the Midwest meat packing industry.
That means
that a lot of the meat processed by theses plants were processed by people who
were hosting the virus, but had not tested positive. People who were capable of transmitting the
virus were packing our meats.
What does
this mean for the safety of the meat at our local markets? Is it possible that some of these products are
contaminated by the virus?
I don’t
Not looking
to start a conspiracy theory; but it is a legitimate question.
I would be
interested in the opinion of PipeTobacco, The Thoughts of a Frumpy Professor - a
university biologist. I think a post
from him on the science of the pandemic would be interesting.
the Ol’Buzzard
Saturday, July 11, 2020
We often
try to place human attributes, human traits and expectations to animals.
People are
capable of loving and forming attachments to other animal species. We make a mistake when we expect the same
emotion and reactions from the animals we live around.
Each animal
species has its own nature that has allowed it to adapt over the
centuries. As humans we have the ability
to understand animal nature to the point of being able to adapt some of them to
human service and emotional needs. The cruelty of our species often reveals Itself
when we see people forcing animals to their will through abuse and
My wife and I
love our cats and our cats have adjusted to a symbiotic relationship with
us. They sleep on our bed, they nap in
our laps, they seek attention, pets and combing; and they depend on us for food
and their needs. But, were we to die
unnoticed in our house, our cats would eat us.
People who
take animals for granted, expecting them to behave to human understanding,
often pay a price. The so-called Bear Whisperer in Alaska, after
thirteen summers intruding on the feeding bears, was, along with his girlfriend,
killed and eaten by a bear. The natives that live in the villages weren’t
surprised, but wondered why it hadn’t happened sooner.
The Darwin
Awards are full of people who infringed on animals expecting them to behave in
a specific way.
Advice from
the Ol’Buzzard
This is the
summer; a time for camping, hiking and fishing. Love your animal friends at home, but stay
the fuck away from wildlife. You don’t
understand them, and they don’t understand you.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020
One thing
about being old, is there is little that you haven’t seen before.
I was young
during the Second World war: but I remember the fear; mothers and wives had
star flags in their windows – white stars if you had a love one in the war – a
gold star if your love one had been killed; there was rationing of food and most family
needs; It was a scary time.
The Polio
pandemic. Families were afraid for
their children and themselves. In
Mississippi, my grandmother insisted I stay in the house between noon and four
p.m. – the heat of the day. There was
no rational, but people were panicked and listening to conspiracy theories.
Atomic bomb
drills were held in school, and kids hid under their desk for protection from the attack
we were sure was coming.
I remember
the Korean War. That was a bloody war, under
terrible conditions, against a vicious enemy. Military men suffered greatly.
I was new in
the military during the Cuban Crisis.
People were afraid of mutual destruction and a nuclear presence in Cuba.
I watched
the racial violence of forced integration of the south. The country split between the north and the
south. Southern states determined to maintain Jim
Crow control over black southerners. The
violence against African Americans was on display for all to see.
I served in
Vietnam and witnessed the death and maiming of young military men over
politicians playing election politics.
57,000 men lost for nothing.
I remember
the Rodney King riots. The city burned.
And let’s
not forget 9-11 and the never-ending political war that ensued.
Finally, the Bush financial crisis that left the banks ruined and the stock market in shambles.
I have seen
it all before, but not like this. Now it seems everything is repeating in one disastrous moment:
A corrupt president dividing the country for his personal means.
Racist, bigots and white supremacist emerging into public view.
U.S. military in the streets, activated against civilian peaceful protesters.
A deadly pandemic
An economic
And a obstructive Republican Congress and Senate that are refusing to act.
We have survived the other crisis. They came one at a time. I am not sure how this one will play out. There is some thirty-eight percent of our population that seems content to stand by and watch our democracy destroyed.
Monday, July 6, 2020
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Fuck Donald Trump
Fuck the
Corona virus
For years I
use to put a little milk in my scrambled eggs.
Now instead
of milk I put in a little olive oil.
The eggs
come out moist and with a nice taste.
Sometimes we
need to step back from all the noise and focus on the small pleasures of
life. We only go around one time, and now
is all we have.
the Ol’Buzzard
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
It is well
known. Republicans win elections. Democrats lose elections.
And here they
go again.
Biden has
agreed to debate Trump three times.
Biden is
ahead in every pole. There is nothing to
gain by debating Trump, but there is a lot to lose.
Trump is in
his element in a debate and Biden fumbles.
Biden’s primary debates were miserable – the last one was just
supporters are not going to leave him under any condition. He has and will have a steady 40%. But Biden could come off looking feeble. Biden has nothing to gain and everything to
So again;
why the fuck are the Democrats agreeing to this?
It is mind
the Ol’Buzzard