Saturday, November 24, 2018
Monday, November 19, 2018
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Today the temperature is seventeen degrees with a wind of twenty to twenty-five knots; about minus three degrees windchill.
I have posted a windchill chart before, but thought I would put it up again as this is the season....

the Ol'Buzzard
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
We have a
manned space station circling the earth; GPS that tell you your location
anywhere in the world within a couple of feet; computers you can talk to and
can answer back; robots replacing workers in factories; space probes that can
circle the moons of Saturn and send back data; wrist watches that can tell you
your heart rate, deliver you text messages and make phone calls; My little
Tom-Tom GPS can guide me to any address in Canada or the United States; we have
cell phones with apps that have unlimited capabilities; we have cars that can
drive themselves; and we are within ten years of unbelievable artificial
And I had to
stand in line for one hour to feed a paper ballot into an antiquated scanner
when I went to vote.
This is ridiculous
in a time of advanced technology. We should
be able to register on line and select a secure password and identifying data;
and then on voting day fill in our ballot online on a secure government
network. A super computer should be
able to spit out the results by the voting deadline.
The know-how and technology are available.
And Hand
Counts? You’ve got to be shitting me!
the Ol’Buzzard
There are
people in the Democratic Party that feel it is their time. The same old lifetime politicians that want
to keep the status quo in power.
This is a recipe
for failure. Even with all the hype,
young people did not turn out and vote in this election. Even the people that are sick and tired of Trump
were matched and canceled by the Trump cult voters. It
was a Black turnout and a gender turnout that probably saved the mid-term for
Elizabeth Warren
is not the answer; Bernie is not the answer; just selecting a woman like
Kristen Gillibrand is not the answer; there is no one presently holding
political office that can garner the enthusiasm needed to defeat Donald Trump
and his cult minions.
We need a
rock star; and at the same time, someone that is qualified to hold the
office. Someone who can appeal to women voters, to non-white
voters, someone who can bring out young voters, someone who is articulate,
bright and respected. Someone that can
kick ass in a debate.
We need Michelle
Obama to run for President in 2020.
I don’t do
social media, but I urge people that do to tweet – hashtag/ Michelle Obama
for President 2020.
Let’s start
a movement to elect a Democratic President in 2020 who will bring back respect
and decency to the office of the President, and to the image of the United
States worldwide.
Michelle Obama!
the Ol’Buzzard
Sunday, November 11, 2018
This morning
I went to drive the car and found three inches of frozen snow on the
windshield. I couldn’t locate my ice
scraper and in desperation grabbed the plastic dustpan from the shed.
Screw my ice
scraper, from now on it’s the dustpan for removing snow and frozen snow from my
windshield… I still might need the scraper for ice.
the Ol’Buzzard
Saturday, November 10, 2018
This past midterm
election the Democrat Senatorial candidates received seven-million more votes
than the Republicans, but the Republicans hold the Senate.
The Constitution
of the United States has Gerrymandered the elections of Senators. Every state in the U.S. gets two
Senators. North Dakota with one-half
million population gets the same number of Senators as California that has 39
million population;
½ Million =
2 Senators
39 Million =
2 Senators.
There are
more Red States than Blue States and with the Cult following of the party of
Donald Trump, the Senate will for the future likely remain in the hands of the
With the
Senate in Republican control the chance of impeachment of Donald Trump,
regardless of his crimes and misdemeanors, is zero. The Republican Senate is still in control of
appointments of judges, including for the Supreme Court, and the confirmation
of any Trump appointments.
It seems we
are now down to two branches of government: the Congress and the Executive-Judicial
Reality sux
the Ol’Buzzard
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
I am so sick
of the fucking suck ass sniveling Democrats and their automatic capitulation to
The Republicans
have demonized Nancy Pelosi as the potential Speaker of the House and run
campaigns using her as a boogiewoman. The reason they have been so opposed to Pelosi
is that she is effective. She keeps the Democrats
in line, passes democratic agenda and takes no crap from the Republican
So, what do
Democrats do? They grumble that Pelosi
is divisive and if she becomes Speaker of the House Republicans won’t work with
her, and she won’t be able to get bipartisan legislation passed.
I would like
to take a hot burning stick and shove it up the ass of any Democrat that utters
the word ‘bipartisan’.
don’t give a shit about bipartisan. Since
the very first day of Obama’s Presidency the Republicans have been
obstructive. They have no intention of
working with Democrats; and their wet dream is having Chuck Schumer as
Speaker. Their worst nightmare is
Nancy Pelosi.
Why can’t
fucking Democrats stand up on their hind legs and face down Republicans; instead
of their mealy-mouth “our friends on the
other side of the isle” and ‘bipartisan’
bullshit. You will never hear Republicans
utter that. Republicans laugh at us, and
rightly so.
If Democrats
take back the House they need to fart in the face of the Republicans and elect
Nancy Pelosi back as Speaker.
the Ol’Buzzard
Friday, November 2, 2018
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Shooting at
a synagogue, two black people shot in Kentucky: I am not shocked any more.
I quit being
concerned about mass shootings after Sandy Hook Elementary School
killings. If the nation was not horrified enough to enact
gun control legislation after twenty, six and seven-year-old children and six
adults were butchered in a school by a man with weapons designed specifically to
kill people; then this is the country we have elected to live in.
We will bury
our dead, and then move on until the next mass shooting when we will feign
horror and outrage; and send our thoughts and prayers.
the Ol’Buzzard
For the past month I have been getting a notice stating:
Norton Security toolbar has been removed. Our new Google Chrome extensions offer similar protection.....
I am asked to download their extension, but so far have not done it.
Is Google wanting my on-line browsing history - or do they already have it? Is this just added protection? Why would Google remove my Norton protection without my permission?
Anyone have any insights?
the Ol'Buzzard
calculations show time duration varying according to the speed of an
object. He also proposes that space-time
can be bent in reaction to the gravitational pull of planets and stars.
deGrasse Tyson simplifies time as a fourth dimension: If you meet a friend on the corner of Front
and Main you are at a two dimensional address; if you meet the friend on the
fifth floor of a building on Front and Main you are at a three dimensional address;
if you meet your friend on the fifth floor of a building at Front and Main at
two-o-clock you have now entered a fourth dimensional address.
It has often
been the belief in many cultures that there are people who can manipulate
time. During the sixteenth-century time
manipulation was one of the charges levied against women accused of
witchcraft. Supposedly, a woman could
leave her bed at midnight for an all-night romp with Satan and his minions and
be back in bed with her husband at one minute after midnight.
years in the military has made me a time person. To me time is fixed, I adjust my actions
within the confines of time. If I have an appointment I will get up at a
certain time, allow myself a certain amount of time for a shower – to get dress
– breakfast, I will leave the house at a defined time and arrive at my
appointment fifteen minutes early.
My wife is
never concerned with time; she seems to bends time to conform to her
actions. She never refers to a watch or
clock. If she has an appointment at
ten-o-clock she will get up when she is ready, feed the cats, do any number of
things, spend time on her exercise bike, make the bed, get out her clothes,
leisurely have breakfast, spend up to an hour showering and doing the other
mysterious things women do in their bathroom, walk out dressed, put on her
jacket, get in the car and drive to her appointment and arrive at exactly
This use to
drive me crazy. If I tried to remind her
of the time of her appointment, or ask her ‘Do you know what time it is?’ I would be told in no uncertain terms to fuck
I have long
since concluded that my wife is a witch, and one of her many attributes is not
being constrained by time.
I am sure she considers me some sub-creature she has to put up with; ruled by my most base instincts, controlled by conventional limits of time and space.
But somehow, we are compatible.
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