Monday, March 3, 2025




Our biggest threat is not climate change or WMDs, it is likely Artificial Intelligence.   We can program a computer to self-learn but still do not know the internal process taking place.    

Over a short period, Google Chess AI downloaded every chess game ever published, taught itself the rules of chess, and is unbeatable by any human Chess master.    

So far, we are controlling AI by programming them to operate within a narrow function.   We presently know how to program a supercomputer to allow AI to teach itself independently, but we do not have a supercomputer capable of handling the capacity required for a totally independent AI. 

Assuredly, computer science will advance to that capability.   A supercomputer that could download all human knowledge.   A God computer?   It is a given that bots can replace humans, with greater efficiency, in most jobs.  What assurance do we have that a Supercomputer would not decide that humans were an unnecessary annoyance and decide to eradicate us?


All we have to fear is fear itself; or perhaps a nuclear holocaust, a worldwide pandemic plague, total climate destruction, an asteroid collision, or: I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave.......

As yellowdog granny would have said: We're Fucked.

the Ol'Buzzard



This is what you voted for MAGA

Happy trails

the Ol'Buzzard

Sunday, March 2, 2025



My wife and I occasionally eat at restaurants.  While waiting for our meal I often observe the other diners, and there is a pattern I have observed.


At every table with four or more diners, especially diners forty years or older, there will be a person holding court, and dominating every conversation.


For every table of six or more the self-appointed master-of-ceremony will talk louder than anyone else – controlling the conversation and allowing no dead airtime to exist.   If drinking is involved, at that table there will be a person who brays like a donkey, booming laughter at something that's probably not that funny.

People under thirty do not fall into this loquacious category, as they sit at their table with their cellphones, probably texting each other rather than talking.


And then there is the family with young undisciplined children…

Your bill will total over one hundred dollars
and you are sitting next to this!

Bon Appetit

the Ol’Buzzard





Sunday, February 23, 2025

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Wednesday, February 19, 2025




We are all time travelers.  We are on a never pausing spaceship traveling into the future.


Einstein postulated that if light speed is constant then time is not.  If time is not a fixed standard, then it will vary by the speed of one object moving away from another.


An astronaut leaves Earth traveling at 8/10 the speed of light.  After 30 years on the spaceship, 50 years will have passed on Earth. 


People belonging to the know-nothing party, which is the base of the Republican Party, will say that Relativity, like Evolution, is just a theory – somehow they will weave god into it.   

But time travel is a standard calculation that allows GPS to operate and allows us to land a space probe or ship with precise accuracy on another planet or moon. 

Time is bendable and can be affected by gravity, opening the possibility of wormholes, but that is another formulation. 


To my way of thinking, time is truly relative to the individual.   When I was eight years old the time between one Christmas and the next was an eternity.   Now in my eighties, it seems I wake up and another month has passed. 


Then perhaps this is all just a simulation.  Zeus's son is playing a computer game and we are just avatars.   

the Ol'Buzzard

Tuesday, February 18, 2025



I would like to see this take off as a shanty on social media

the Ol'Buzzard

Sunday, February 16, 2025




Old men remember.   Over a half century ago when I was a young man in Maine, you could not go into the woods in the winter without snowshoes.   Not the puney little aluminum snow shoes of today.  You needed a set of trail shoes or trappers – if you were just over 100 pounds you could probably get by with bearpaws.

 If you stepped off your snowshoes you would sink to your crotch or deeper.   We don’t have snow like that today.


The snow storms don’t come as often and are not as severe, then are followed by a warmup.  


That said, today we have an old-time storm coming into Maine. The snow just started here in western Maine and is forecast to last all day, dropping 10 to 16 inches.


I am located just below and east of the town of Rangeley.   In the 10-16 inch area. 

On the southern coast, the snow will turn to sleet and then freezing rain.  Undoubtedly causing power outages.


So, this will be a goodun; but I remember when this would have just been considered a standard storm. 

the Ol’Buzzard

Friday, February 14, 2025



I am late posting about winter gloves, but Trump sucked the oxygen out of Blogging last year.  

I do not advertise for any company, but when I find something that serves me well I occasionally post it.  

I have cold weather experience and have spent years in the Arctic.   That is years of having cold hands.

Two years ago I bought KOMBI Men's Sanctum Glove.  There is a soft lining with a wrist cuff and a snow cuff to seal out snow.  The glove also has a waterproof inner glove and a water-resistant palm. A six-inch cord from the cuff ends with a wristband, so I can take off the gloves and hang loose from my wrist.

KOMBI Men's Sanctum Glove

We have a Maine outlet store in our town called Renys, and I  paid less than twenty dollars for the set.

Canadians are probably familiar with Kombi gloves, though made in China the Company is located in Canada. 

take care
the Ol'Buzzard



In 2007 the Democrat Party dared to run a black man for President.


Seeing the opportunity to coalesce the racist base of the Republican Party into action, the Koch Brothers financed a Tea Party movement.


They hired organizers to reach out to their more gullible constituents. They paid for buses to transport protestors to targeted areas and furnished them with signs, placards, and support.

Without realizing it, the Koch brothers were training the inmates to take over the asylum.

People who had never been the center of attention suddenly had a chance to be filmed by major news networks.   Not the brightest bulbs in the Republican light show, these people showed up with tea bags hanging from their hats, don’t tread on me flags, dressed as Uncle Sam, etc.    They screamed and yelled and received their fifteen minutes of fame.   But they also found they had a movement they could belong to.   And by remaining organized they had a controlling power over the Republican Party.

More and more of the lunatic fringe joined the movement.  The only thing lacking was a leader. 

Then came Donald Trump; not a particularly bright person, but as P.T. Barnum said, you only have to be smarter than the rubes you are conning. 


The circle was complete.  The Tea Party became the MAGA cult. 


After attempting a coupe, there was a chance to eliminate MAGA, but Republicans, still afraid of the MAGA base, refused to impeach Trump and remove him from office.  

But not just the Republicans: the milk toast Attorney General Merrick Garland had the chance, but delayed holding Trump accountable for the insurrection of January 6 for two years.


So now we live in a MAGA republic, whether we like it or not, and Trump’s desire to delete the Department of Education pretty much says it all.   


the Ol’Buzzard




Thursday, February 13, 2025



Trump's federal government just proposed spending $400.000,000.00 to buy Musk's Swasticars.   

Is this blatant corruption, or what?

While we are deporting immigrants, why not the man from South Africa?

the Ol'Buzzard

Monday, February 10, 2025



Jackiesue Denny (YelloowDog Granny) a great liberal warrior has been carried to Valhalla by Valkyries.  We will fucking miss her.  

I can not pay tribute any better than Debra.   Please see her blog;



the OL'Buzzard

Sunday, February 9, 2025




I predict that, within the next four years, Donald Trump will design himself a military uniform.   He will award himself numerous ribbons and medals and have double the number of stars (and bigger stars) than the highest-ranking General. 

He will also probably declare himself more than just President Trump: Remember Doctor Generalissimo Presidente Idi Amin? 

How about:

Grand Leader Supreme General and President by Divine Proclamation Donald Trump


The man is a classic case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. 

Delusional Disorder is a mental health condition characterized by persistent false beliefs (delusions) that are not based on reality.  These delusions can be of various themes such as delusions of grandeur.  

And I can spot an asshole quicker than a proctologist.

the Ol’Buzzard

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Wednesday, February 5, 2025




I have been dyslexic all my life.   This complicated my learning to read.  The word was might change to saw in my brain, and letters in longer words might switch places.   I was a whiz in math and science, but anything related to reading was painful.


At some time during my military career, I taught myself to read.  I do not read individual words.   I read the meanings of groups of words or whole lines.    I am able to devour novels, technical manuals, or research material at a rapid rate with high recall.   This ability made college a breeze; however, my wife, who attended college with me, had to go over my papers and correct my spelling.  This was during the eighties before computers.


Occasionally, my wife and I read to each other, but I tend to insert words or leave out words in sentences, and that annoys her. 


Even now, when I copy a list of numbers, I am careful that numbers don’t switch. 


I understand that misspellings drive the Spelling Police crazy, but some of us are doing the best we can.


Famous people with Dyslexia:

Whoopi Goldberg

Richard Branson

Steven Spielberg

Orlando Bloom

Albert Einstein

Muhammad Ali

Pablo Picasso


Thank goodness for spell checkers.

The Ol’ Bzzuard

Friday, January 24, 2025



A voice crying in the wilderness.

Casandra warning


by George Orwell (Eric Blair)






“The enemy of the moment always represents absolute evil.”


“If all others accepted the lie which the party imposed – If all the records showed the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became true.   Who controls the past, ran the party slogan, controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”


“Statistics were just as much a fantasy in their original version.  A great deal of the time you were suppose to make them up out of your head.”



“The aim of the high is to remain where they are.  The aim of the middle is to change places with the high.  The aim of the low, where they have an aim – for it is an abiding characteristic of the low that they are too much crushed by the drudgery to be more than intermittently conscious of anything out their daily lives.."

Oligarchy: a small group of people who govern a nation.


‘…the deportation of whole populations – not only became common again, but were tolerated and even defended by people who considered themselves enlightened and progressive.”


“In the past no government had the power to keep its citizens under constant surveillance.” 


“Double think: (reality control) ie thou shall not kill but glorification of war heroes.”


“Ministrys: (reversals of facts)

Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war.

Ministry of Truth with lies.

Ministry of Love with torture.

Ministry of Plenty with starvation.”


INGSOC (the Party)

“The essential act of the party is to use conscious deception while retaining the firmness of purpose that goes with complete honesty.   To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any facts that has become inconvenient…”


“The proles are only intermittently conscious of the war.  When it is necessary they can prodded into frenzies of fear and hatred, but when left to themselves they are capable of forgetting for long periods of time that war is happening.  It is in the ranks of the party, and above all the inner party, that true war enthusiasm is found.”


“We know that no one ever seized power with the intention of relinquishing it.   Power is not a means; it is an end.”



1984 is a primer on controlling a population. 

INGSOC (the party) successfully manipulates the mind of the proles (the people) to the point that a person thinks the opposite of what is true: that 2+2= 5


INGSOC: Republican Party 2024


the Ol’Buzzard









Sunday, January 19, 2025






I will not watch it on TV tomorrow, and I will not talk about it. 


Thirty-six percent of eligible voters did not bother to vote, and a majority of the remaining sixty-four percent overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump.


It is what it is.  


Our best hope is that it will be a train wreck, and Dems will come together and take over in four years.


This time the public will actually see the Emperor without clothes.



 And it will not be pretty.


 the Ol'Buzzard





Friday, January 17, 2025



The link below shows the blog as I see it with the Google sign-in. 

Any ideas?


the Ol'Buzzard



I am able to comment on every other blog I am signed into except yours.

this is at the bottom of your blog , 

To leave a comment, click the button below to sign in with Google.

and a blue box that says SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE

I am continuing to read your blog but won't be able to comment until I figure this out.

the Ol'Buzzard

Thursday, January 16, 2025



One of the blogs I follow is Old Fat Man Adventures.   Lately, I am unable to leave a comment. 

At the bottom of his blog, there is a blue box that says: Sign In With Google.    I click the box and it reloads the post, but the blue box is still there -  it is a loop –  I repeat the process again and the blue box is still there. 

Any Idea’s

the Ol’Buzzard

Monday, January 13, 2025




The Social Security Fairness Act just signed by President Biden reverses a law passed in 1983 during the Republican Regan Presidency that reduced Social Security benefits for anyone receiving a state pension.


I paid into social security for 25 years, then went to work for the State of Alaska teaching school in the remote Native villages.


When I applied for my Social Security pension twenty-five years ago, that pension was reduced by 50% because I was receiving a retirement from the State of Alaska.


The Republicans have always been against Social Security and any other federal program they consider discretionary spending (Medicare, Medicaid, public school funding, lunch programs…)


Their objection to the new bill is that it will deplete the Social Security fund causing it to run out of money by 2035.


  It is all a matter of priority spending as Trump’s three-trillion-dollar tax cut for the mega-wealthy would fund Social Security into the next century.


Future Social Security recipients had better hope Democrats are in power in 2035 or Social Security may be a thing of the past. 


Trump’s MAGA base doesn’t understand that working people voting for a Republican is like turkeys voting for Thanksgiving.


Now with the passage of the Social Security Fairness Act, I will receive my full Social Security Pension – of course, twenty-five years too late.


the Ol’Buzzard

Sunday, January 12, 2025



The few people who read my blog are probably tired of me constantly bringing up my age.  But this is the world I live in. 


My doctors want to text me but it doesn’t work on a landline.   I have a cell phone but I don’t turn it on unless I am away from home.

Besides, I am unsure how to use all the apps or why I really need them. 

Every day my wife and I do the Boston Crossword Puzzle together and often the clues are in text speak, like LOL.  The acronyms don’t even resemble the word or phrase they are replacing.  For someone who still writes in cursive, I feel it is obscene and an affront to language. 

Last year I received an Apple iPad.  Here I am trying to figure out how to use the photo app to take a picture of myself taking a picture of myself in my bathroom mirror.   


Thank god for YouTube.   (If you still need to worship a God, then Google AI is probably as salient a choice as any - and according to George Carlin you can always pray to Joe Pesci for divine guidance)

Almost everything I have learned in life I learned from reading manuals. I love manuals where I can underline important instructions and make margin notes.   But things don’t come with manuals any longer.  So, YouTube is my Bible. 

I tolerate new things.   I like old things.  My favorite sweater is a hand-spun wool hand-knitted sweater that is forty-six years old.  My favorite hat is twenty-four years old.   Most of the shirts in my closet are twenty years old, and my boots are twenty-five years old, though the rubber bottoms have been replaced by L.L. Beans once.

But I have to admit not all young things are bad 

I do have a new Carhart winter coat that I like very much.

And I am madly in love with my young wife, who is the sexiest woman I have ever known. 

While teaching in Alaska the school aide always called her Blue Berry Eyes.

On the tundra with a kindergarten class picking berries

An older picture, but she never changes

I have no complaints about my age.  This is the best time of my life – I am just out of step with the rest of the world, which suits me fine.

And aging is definitely better than the alternative.

the Ol’Buzzard 


Now maybe he can quit posting about his age



When I was in the military it was all about the band of brothers.

Now this is my band of brothers.

the Ol'Buzzard

Saturday, January 11, 2025






I remember

Winding my wristwatch in the morning and winding my alarm clock at night.


Telephones with an operator and pay phones.


Muscle cars, but they were hard to start on cold mornings.

1964 Pontiac 409
409 cubic inch engine
And then there was the Oldsmobile 442
and that is cubic inches


Black and white movies: a dime to get in, a dime for popcorn, and a nickel coke.

The birth of Rock and Roll music.


Radios with vacuum tubes.


Household fans.


Water-coolers for cars before air conditioning.


Bopping at the high school hop


Ice boxes and ice delivery – a penny a pound, and ice picks to chip the ice


Nickle soft drinks in cold water boxes


Black and white TV with rabbit ears

The Steve Allen Show and The Killer

Changing tires: a necessary skill

Flat tires were a normal occurance.


10c comic books.


Soda fountains.

Writing in cursive


Straight Arrow, was my favorite radio show.

And the list could easily go on…



the Ol’Buzzard