Monday, June 24, 2024




Walmart hires a lot of disabled and handicapped people.  When I enter the Walmart here in town I see several people who wouldn’t be able to hold a job elsewhere, yet they have employment at Walmart. 


The local Super Store is a large employer in our area.  I know that pay scales and conditions often get highlighted by I-Hate-Walmart-People, but in a rural area where jobs are scarce, especially for older and less employable workers, Walmart is an option.  And they are always hiring.


Almost any product I buy now, I buy through Walmart online.  The reason is, that if I receive the product and have a problem with it, or just decide I don’t like it, I can drive down to Walmart and return it for a full refund on the spot, no questions asked: no repackaging, shipping labels or dealing with some customer service department.


All the surrounding small towns in our county depend on the local Walmart for products that would not be available locally otherwise, as our nearest big box stores would be an hour or more drive away – and for people physically unable to shop, Walmart delivers.



The store is airconditioned and so what better place for people watching?

You can always see something great at Walmart.

the Ol'Buzzard


  1. You offer a compelling argument in favor of Walmart. Yeah, a damn compelling argument. They do hire many folks with issues, medical and otherwise. My biggest gripe is th elack of employee attended cash registers and the price gouging they have been actively involved in that has helped make what should have been a much smaller spike from readjustment inflation. They helped make it worse IMO.

  2. I agree. Automatic check-outs result in a smaller work force. Prices are high, for various reasons, but here at home Walmart, for the most part, is cheaper than Hannaford Super Market.

  3. Buzz, I also love Wal Mart and not just for the bargains but the endlessly interesting people that I see there! I also do grocery shopping at my local Shop Rite - they are wonderful for hiring challenged folks. And, these challenged folks have also the most reliable people who work there. Some have been there for decades!


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."