Saturday, July 11, 2020


We often try to place human attributes, human traits and expectations to animals.


People are capable of loving and forming attachments to other animal species.   We make a mistake when we expect the same emotion and reactions from the animals we live around.      


Each animal species has its own nature that has allowed it to adapt over the centuries.  As humans we have the ability to understand animal nature to the point of being able to adapt some of them to human service and emotional needs.    The cruelty of our species often reveals Itself when we see people forcing animals to their will through abuse and violence. 


My wife and I love our cats and our cats have adjusted to a symbiotic relationship with us.  They sleep on our bed, they nap in our laps, they seek attention, pets and combing; and they depend on us for food and their needs.   But, were we to die unnoticed in our house, our cats would eat us. 


People who take animals for granted, expecting them to behave to human understanding, often pay a price.    The so-called Bear Whisperer in Alaska, after thirteen summers intruding on the feeding bears, was, along with his girlfriend, killed and eaten by a bear.     The natives that live in the villages weren’t surprised, but wondered why it hadn’t happened sooner.


The Darwin Awards are full of people who infringed on animals expecting them to behave in a specific way.


Advice from the Ol’Buzzard

This is the summer; a time for camping, hiking and fishing.   Love your animal friends at home, but stay the fuck away from wildlife.  You don’t understand them, and they don’t understand you.

End o' Week Musings | Funny animal memes, Cute animals, Funny animals





  1. Yes, we cats would eat you humans in a moment! The eyes would be our first tasty morsels. Yum yum.


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."