the Ol'Buzzard
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Monday, June 22, 2020
What the hell is going on with the new blogger?
This is what I was afraid of: Every time I select a blog to read, instead of bringing up the blog I get a message: The previous page is sending you to ... and a web address appears. I have to click the web address to access the blog.

Is there a fix for this that I don't know about?
the Ol;Buzzard
Friday, June 19, 2020
I hate being forced to new. I don't like having to learn new. If I want to learn something new I will pursue it myself and do it in my own time and at my own speed.
I have always said that every thing I know, I learned from books. That has always been my mantra until the last decade. Now when I want to learn something new I go to YouTube.
I checked out the tutorial on the new Blogger and so here it is.
Oh well.
What the fuck
the Ol'Buzzard
It was a hot
night without air conditioning. When I
finally fell into a restless slumber I dreamt one of those bizarre
night-frights that often accompany a disturbed sleep.
The White House Executive Residence.
Two secret
service agents are stationed in the hallway just down from Trump’s
bedroom. Trump's personal agent, code
name Papa Bear, is talking to Melania’s personal agent who is new on the job,
code name Mama Bear.
Mama Bear:
Boy, this is a rough night for me.
Melania has been drinking all afternoon and is in a shit mood.
Bear: I don’t wonder. This is the one night each month Melania is
required to have sex with PODIS.
Mama Bear:
What do you mean required?
Papa Bear: I
think it is in her prenup. She puts out, or else it leaves herself open to
the loss of any cash obligation from her husband.
Bear: Hell, I’d want to be drunk too if
I had to see POTUS naked, much less have sex with him.
Bear: Yeah, I have seen him naked and it
something I won’t be able to get out of my head for a long time, if ever. Anyway, I just took POTUS in a supersize
bucket of Colonel Sanders extra crispy fried chicken, so maybe he will be
distracted and we can skip sex night.
Bear: Shouldn’t we be closer to their
Bear: Do you really want to hear what
goes on in there tonight?
Mama Bear
and Papa Bear are joined by Holy Bear, Vice President Mike Pence’s personal
Secret service agent.
Bear: What’s up guys.
Bear: We’re just standing watch as
usual. What are you doing here?
Bear: Pence is meeting with Senator Lindsey
Graham in the adjoining room to PODUS bedroom.
They are discussing something they want to bring before POTUS later
tonight. Pence just sent down to the kitchen for
snacks for the meeting. POTUS is always
more amenable when he has food in front of him.
Bear: What’s that noise?
rushes out of the sitting room.
Lindsey: Oh my god they are killing each other! I’m getting the vapors!
Holy Bear
runs to Graham and tries to revive him.
Bear: Mr. Graham, what’s going on. What’s wrong?
groggily: It’s awful, the noise coming
out of the Presidents bedroom! It is
terrible! Melania is screaming and
Trump is making the most awful sounds.!
Something bad is going on. You
boys need to get in there.
Bear: I’m not going in there.
Bear: Me neither.
Graham: Somebody needs to go in. It sounds like the President is having a fit.
Bear: Fuck. Why doesn’t Pence go in?
Holy Bear: He can’t.
He promised God he would never go into a room where a woman was drinking
without his wife. But he is praying.
swoons again.
Papa Bear: Holy Bear, get the nurse up here. We are going to have to go in.
Bear: What do you mean we?
Bear: You’re going with me – your charge
may be in trouble too.
The Secret
service agents respond. In the adjoining
sitting room Mike Pence is on his knees praying. There is fitful guttural noise coming from
the President’s bedroom and Melania is swearing in a mixture of Slovenian and
The agents
knock on the door to Trump’s bedroom and after a few seconds crack the door
open and look in.
Trump is
lying on the bed amongst an array of fried chicken and mashed potatoes. His face is purple, drool is running down his
chin and chest, and he seems to be both choking and in a rage. There is a huge red spot on the sheet
covering the President. For a moment the
agents are transfixed, but then they respond with their training.
Mama Bear
approaches Melania and tries to calm her.
She is screaming: Fuck you – you no fucking good President– you little
dick – now you no dick.
Mama Bears
efforts are in vane and Melania raves on.
In triage
you always treat breathing difficulties before bleeding. Papa bear grab Trump’s dick stub and apply
pressure while at the same time attempting to open the President’s mouth to
look for an obstruction.
Just at that
moment the nurse arrives. After a quick
assessment she tells Papa Bear to continue stemming the bleeding from Trump’s
dick stub while she tries to calm the President and look in his mouth.
Trump slumps
on his pillow in semi-consciousness and the nurse is able to view the
obstruction. With a pair of forceps, she
is finally able to dislodge a full drumstick, extra crispy, from the
President’s esophagus. He begins to
breath heavily, and quickly the color comes back to his face. Within a few minutes he is able to talk.
Trump raving: That bitch bit off my dick when she was
supposed to be giving me head. I want
you to call my lawyer right away. I’ll
sue her. Throw the bitch in jail. I want her executed! Where is Barr?
paramedics arrive and load Trump onto a gurney for transportation. He refuses to let them transport him until
they gathered the uneaten chicken and given it to him in the KFC bucket.
Late that
evening Papa Bear and Mama bear are comparing notes.
Bear: POTUS is stabilized. Barr is with him and Trump is demanding a
firing squad for Melania. By the way,
do you know what happened to severed penis part?
Bear: It seems Melania swallowed the
dick and refuses to vomit it up. The VP
is wondering whether Melania can be forced to have her stomach pumped; but the
ACLU has come to her defense. Fox News
is demanding Pence gets Barr to apply for a search warrant through the federal
judge of the DC court in order to force Melania to surrender the organ; but it
looks like a court battle, perhaps all the way to the Supreme Court could
ensue. By that time the dick will be
Mama Bear
continues: I was with Melania when she was approached to submit to the
procedure, she just shook her head and grinned like a Cheshire Cat. According to my assignment I have to protect
her, with force if necessary. Fuck, I am
in the frying pan.
The next day
at the White House briefing, Kellyann Conway announces that due to an
unavoidable accident the President had one of the digits on his huge hand
severed; but due to his remarkable genomes he will surely be able to grow
another in record time. She added: The First Lady is in severe distress due to
her husband’s discomfort and has moved back to Trump Tower.
Then I woke
That’s my story
and I’m sticking to it.
Thursday, June 18, 2020

Noah’s son
Ham approaches his mother Zipporah.
Mon says, “Where is your father?”
Ham, “He’s out in the backyard building on his
Mom, “Wish he’ spend as much time working for
money as he spends on that boat.”
Ham, “He says God told him to build the boat.”
Mom, “Yes, and God tells him to go to the Happy
Hole and spend his money every Friday before Sabbath.”
Ham, “Dad says God told him there is going to be
a flood and we will need a boat.”
Mom, “you’re as dumb as your dad. We’re in the middle of a desert. We don’t need a boat. We have a flash flood every spring and we
all go up on the hill till the water goes down.”
Ham, “But dad says…”
Mom, “Oy vey .
My father arranged my marriage to dumbest and old carpenter in the town,
all for a new wheelbarrow. Now I have
an ancient, senile husband and four retarded sons that are a chip of the block
of stupid wood.”
Ham, “How old is dad? He said six hundred when I asked him.”
Mom, “Holy Mother of Moses. I give up.”
Later that
year the spring rains come, and the dry river bed starts to swell. The village is leaving for higher
Noah, “Come on Mother, get in the boat. God is going to save us.”
Mom, “your drunk. And you’ve got the boy’s drunk too.”
Noah, “God told us to drink as much wine as we can
to lighten the load, so the boat will float.
Now you and the girls and kids need to get in the boat – God said to.”
“Mom, “The girls and babies and I are going up on
the hill like we always do till the flood goes down.”
slurring his words; “God told me to take
two of every animal in the world, and the boys are loading them now – but there
is still some room for you and the family.”
Mom, “Two of every animal in the world?”
Noah’s son
Japhet comes in the kitchen, “Pa, the
cats won’t stay in the boat. We’ve got
the goats and the dogs in, but there ain’t enough room for the ass so I tied him
to the back – he can swim so he should be all right.” Japhet scratches his ass and says, “I had Shem put in two chickens and two
ducks like you said, but we only got one cow – what you want to do?”
Mom, “You’re not drowning the cow – she’s coming
with me.”
Japhet, “Pa.
ain’t there more animals in the world than ducks, chickens, goats, dogs,
cats and cows?”
Noah, “Now son, did you ever see any other
Son, “Naw Pa, but people say...”
Noah, “You see, that’s just fake news. The true facts, God calls them alternative facts,
is what you see and what I tell you.
Now did you load the food?”
Japhet, “We got that twenty-five gallons of wine you
made and six loaves of bread like you said, and we got the fishing gear. We can eat a chicken if we don’t catch
Noah, “You dumb fool, we can’t eat a chicken – God
said there has to be two.”
Japhet, “but why two Pa?”
Noah, “You stupid shit, so we can breed more after
the flood.”
Japhet, “But Pa, the chickens are both hens. We don’t got no rooster.”
Noah, “Get in the damn boat.
Mom shakes
her head and leaves with the boy’s wives and children.
The rain
continues for five days and the water rises to three feet.
Up on the
hill the residents are enjoying the yearly community flood gathering. Noah’s
wife occasionally hears her drunk husband and sons singing sailor shanties down
in the valley.
When the
flood recedes, the villagers return to find Noah and his sons passed out on the
roof of their house, the boat full of water and the animals gone. There are some chicken and duck bones
scattered about the roof.
Years later
Noah tells the story of the Ark and the flood to an Arab scribe who writes it
down word for word.
Eons later God has the story read to
“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…” Then
he tweets: What dumb asses, so funny, so stupid.
We will build a wall. Jews will pay for it.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
John Oliver discusses systemic racism in police culture.
If you are offended by the word FUCK and adult language; then go look at cat memes.
the Ol'Buzzard
the only positive thing that happens to you all day, is the good crap you
had that morning.
And if you
didn’t, then you’ll have to write off the whole day as shit.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
When ever I
find a product or an activity that I like, I usually try to share it on this
A few months
ago, I had a hernia operation. I was
really concerned about the possibility of damaging the operation site, because I usually strain when using the bathroom.
Before the
operation, I talked to my brother-in-law, who has more medical complaints than
a Sigonella hooker. He highly
recommended Metamucil, saying it keep him wonderfully regular.
I can’t say
enough about this product. I take one
teaspoon in a cold glass of water every morning. For those of you old enough to remember,
it tastes just like orange Tang.
It works, no
pain, no strain. And regardless what happens
the rest of the day – I’m good to go.
Thanks Johnny
I love you man.
the Ol'Buzzard
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Dr. John died one year ago today. Another icon of my era is gone .
11-12-1940 to 6-6-2019
Brother John is gone
Gone to the land of the Mardi gras Indians
He's home
the Ol'Buzzard
Friday, June 5, 2020
With all the
division in this country, I wonder how the history of the Trump presidency will
be recorded? It all depends on a
possible second term.
History, at
best, is a fictional story of an incident in time, recorded through the bias of
the writer. Often the writer is chronicling
an event that he did not actually experience.
For the most
part, history is written by the winners of wars; by the ruling political party;
by the rich and powerful that control the media and can influence the minds of
the people.
Recorded history has been filtered
through the writer’s biases; his or her gender, race, religion, politics,
education, intelligence and cultural mores.
was a viscous attack on a civilian population by religious fanatics, that took
three thousand innocent lives. That
is how the destruction of the twin towers will be chronicled in our history.
nuclear attacks on the Island of Japan took three-quarters of a million civilian
lives: women, children, old people; and leveled entire cities. We won, so we chronicle that as ending a tyrannical
It wasn’t
until lately that I considered the word: history: His story.
A glaring bias
in the recording of history is that for thousands of years the chroniclers have
been men.
I wonder how
events would have been recorded if it were herstory: Her story?
the Ol'Buzzard
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
I just
listened again to Liberal Redneck’s take on the Minnesota riots
published in my last blog post. My
first impression was: Yeah Trae, you nailed it.
But since then I have had time to think about it.
When the
outrage against police systemic violence against Black men, and the murder of
George Floyd, moved from a protest to a riot, we should step back from our
knee-jerk reaction to be the politically correct liberal snowflakes ready to
support Black Lives Matter in every instance,
and draw a line at arson and looting.
righteously mad and being outraged is not an excuse to riot. And just because the riot is done in the name
of the victim of a vicious murder, and years of systemic racism injustice,
should not give it cover.
Where do you
draw a line: I am outraged because of racial injustice so I should be able show
my anger by looting a store; I am outraged so I should be able to burn down
this building; I am outraged so I should be able to use a car in an attempt to
kill a police officer; I am outraged so I should be able to participate in a gang rape; I am outraged so
I should be able to open fire at a music concert; I am outraged so I should be
able to set off a bomb during the Boston marathon; I am outraged so I should be
able to hi-jack an aircraft and fly it into a building?
Looting is a
crime. The store owner had no hand in
the murder of Floyd. Arson is a crime and
the building owner had no hand in the crime. A man leaving a trashed store with a computer
under his arm, or a new skate board on his shoulder, is not protesting
injustice, he is stealing – and setting fire to a building is arson in any
We have the
right to protest. We have the right to
assemble and the right to speak out, and damn well have the right to fill the
streets with protest for as long as it takes to raise awareness and demand
social justice. But when the protest accelerates
to rioting, looting and arson we have transgressed that right. Burning down a city is not protesting, it
is terrorism.
People that
hit the streets after dark are wilding.
They are guilty of using a brutal murder of an innocent man as cover to
party, and do the things they would not do in the light of day.
My attitude
toward this protest has changed. The
death of Mr. Floyd was appalling, and all four police officers should spend
years in jail, but I no longer have any respect for the protest on the
streets. This protest needs to disband,
and the lawless faction should be apprehended and prosecuted. This protest and this cause have lost its
high ground.
Dr. King called
for peaceful protest and brought segregation to its knees. There is nothing that has happened over the
past four nights that is worthy of Dr. King's legacy.
It is sad
The Ol’Buzzard
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Damn we miss him
the Ol'Buzzard
Monday, June 1, 2020
We have a
problem with policing. Cops are trained
in military tactics, consequently they have a SWAT attitude. They are not trained to deescalate problems and
assist communities, but to assault problems and police communities. Many of the people in police forces should
not be cops, they have self-esteem problems, and many are racist. Cops close ranks when one member is in
trouble. There is a systemic attitude
that you are supposed to look the other way, that keeps cops from policing each
The murder
of George Floyd has sparked outrage and protest. Without this outrage and protest there would
be no accountability. Protest marches
should have been unimpeded by police and police presence should be without riot
It is unfortunate
that legitimate outrage at the murder of unarmed and helpless George Floyd has
been sullied by arson, vandalism and theft.
That said,
when cities start to burn and stores are looted a demonstration has moved from
a show of solidarity to anarchy. The
people committing these crimes are wildings, using the cover of a justified
demonstration against racial violence by police, to steal, commit arson and incite
violence, because they can.
Real concerned
demonstrators protesting the murder of George Floyd should insist that
demonstrations end at night fall.
Regardless how mad you are, there is no
justification for arson and looting, and, for the people demonstrating after dark it
is party time and has nothing to do with George Floyd, Demonstrators that stand
around and watch, are aiding and abetting.
Children get the wrong idea about the earth from globes. We tend to think that the North Pole is up
and the South Pole is down. Actually,
there is no up and down in space; humans in the northern hemisphere have just made
the maps that way for centuries.
To be
accurate, the northern hemisphere countries should be readable on a globe when
the north pole is viewed at the top, and the countries in the southern
hemisphere should be readable when the glove is rotated and the south pole is
viewed at the top.
Or an alternative offering: present it both ways.
The way it
is now subliminally suggest that the countries in the northern hemisphere are
more important than the southern countries,
That is not
a fucking snow flake observation.
We need to present
science, history and geography factually, and in a way to make children think.
Math can
take care of itself.
the Ol’Buzzard
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