Sunday, February 26, 2012
Over my seventy-plus years I have, rarely, but occasionally
been in a situation where I had a flash insight that I had experienced a particular
place, situation or group of people before – though I never had. This feeling usually came out of the blue,
lasted for a second and passed; and later was hard to remember or totally
If it were just me I would write it off as some synapse in
my brain misfiring and giving me a visual presentation of a memory download. But, my wife has experienced it - and almost
everyone I know says they have had similar experiences.
The most comfortable solution would be a brain fart; but,
stick with me on this: when it comes to understanding reality, experience can
be deceptive.
Over the last three hundred years, despite continuous
religious opposition, Science, and especially Physics, has demystified most of
the natural occurrences of our earth and our solar system. Science has now moved to the realm of explaining
the universe and the cosmos, relying heavily on Einstein’s theories of
relativity and quantum mechanics. Many
of these theories require you to leave your comfort zone and accept strange
concepts of reality.
Physicists come from a wide discipline of studies:
theoretical physics, relativistic physics, quantum physics, cosmological
physics, computational physics and unified physics. The hope is, at some time in the future, a
unification of all these different disciplines will result in one overall grand
theory that will explain all phenomena.
The one thing that is curious about all the physics
disciplines is that at some point they all converge to a theme of
parallel-universes. Theoretical Physics proposes the possible of
parallel – mirror universes that are just beyond our reality: universes where
we exist in a complimentary energy realm.
This would pose the question of which realm was the bona fied and which
was the mirror image.
Einstein’s Special Relativity depends on the assumption that
nothing can travel faster than the speed of light: among other things, this
theory continues on to say that as you approach the speed of light, time in
your frame of existence slows down. The
thought is that if you could exceed the speed of light time travel into the
past would be theoretically possible.
Recently, in the
super Hadron Collider in Cern ,
Switzerland a
particle traveling faster than the speed of light was discovered: it popped
into existence for a small fraction of a second and then vanished.
Rather than traveling through time I might pose that this
particle was transiting across parallel universes.
Making a big circle: could our experience of Daja vu be an electronic flash from a
parallel-mirror universe?
I’m just asking.
Maybe that's where all those extra socks come from in the drier.
the Ol’Buzzard
Kinda makes the Republican convention seem more ridiculous
doesn’t it.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Yesterday I was moving wood from the woodshed behind my
house to the storage rack I have built by my side door. After the second trip of loading wood on my
sled and hauling it and stacking it at the storage rack I was feeling twinges
in my lower back. I opened the side
door (I couldn’t go in because I had cleats on my boots) and asked my wife to
get my elastic back support.
I was somewhat pissed off with myself remembering that I use
to work in the woods all day and never had to wear a back support. I knew better than to complain to my wife,
however, because her answer would be ‘Get over it, you are not thirty any
more,’ (no sympathy there.)
Back out at the wood pile – bitching to myself- I thought of
an old ol’cowboy joke:
An old bull and a young bull are on top of a hill, looking
down at a herd of cows.
The young bull taunts, “Hey old man, how about we run down
this hill and fuck a couple of those cows.”
The old bull replies, “I have a better idea son; I’ll just
walk down the hill and fuck um all.”
I think the moral of the joke is that you can’t let young
bulls decide who you are. And: I’m not
thirty any more.
For anyone who heats with fire wood I am enclosing a couple
of pics of the storage unit I built by my side door. The top to the wood frame box that is the
roof of this unit is a piece of metal roofing I had left over. The top (roof) is not attached to the sides and can be
lifted up and turned over forming a metal bottom box that I fill with potting
soil and use as a back door herb garden in the summer. The base of the unit is 4x4’s and the side
upright post that support the roof are 2x8’s.
In the winter I cover the storage unit with a small tarp – leaving the
side of the tarp by the door unsecured and weighted at the bottom – for access. The overall size of the unit is 2x8x4 - designed to hold 1/2 cord of wood.
the Ol’Buzzard
Friday, February 17, 2012
Egypt and the Arab Spring
Be Careful What You Wish For
Bill Maher is constantly reminding us of the blatant
ignorance of the average American citizen.
We have just experienced an Arab Spring and the overthrow of Mubarak in Egypt ; but the
American public, though encyclopedic of Dancing With The Stars, knows virtually
nothing about this world altering movement, nor cares.
Though the Arab Spring was a demonstration for freedom, the
fall of the Mubarak government may have brought about undesirable consequences
from an American point of view.
On January 25th young, educated, liberal protestors took
over Tahrir Square
in a demonstration for social justice and equal rights for all. Like most Liberal movements, theirs was a
lofty desire to see Egypt
move toward a more open and democracy society.
However, the protesters actually represent only a minority
faction in a fundamentalist Moslem majority.
Although ‘free and fair’ elections have been held it was a
forgone conclusion that the Islamist would have a dominant majority.
The Al-Nour Party would move Egypt toward a total Islamic
theocracy, declaring women as chattel of their husbands, separating public
spaces to segregate men and women and require women to wear the veil in
public. The Moslem Brotherhood Party is
popular and seems to be the only moderating force against religious
Already article 2 of the new constitution declares Islam as
the religion of state and confirms Sharia Law.
Under Mubarak , Egypt was a stable dictatorship that supported Israel ’s right to exist and was a cooperative
player with the United
States .
Now Egypt
is in the hands of the military, and when power is turned over to the elected
Islamic majority government we must hold our breath and hope for the
the Ol'Buzzard
Thursday, February 16, 2012
The Republican Party of the state of Virginia is about to
pass a law requiring all women applying for legal abortion service to undergo,
even against their will, an invasive vaginal ultrasound probe, which is
medically unnecessary.
Any woman who is coerced into vaginal penetration against
her will is experiencing rape.
The Republican Party of the state of Virginia is legislating state rape.
the Ol'Buzzard
Violence Against Women,
Saturday, February 11, 2012
U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco , in a 2-1
decision, overturned Proposition-8: a California Constitutional Amendment
declaring ‘marriage’ as a union only between one man and one woman; which
effectively nullified California ’s
law allowing gay and lesbian couples to ‘marry’.
‘marriage’ impasse has at its core the goal of Christian churches attempting to
impose their moral doctrines on the population at large.
Mormon Church heavily funded, in a covert religious movement, California ’s Proposition-8. The Catholic Church has also been a prime
mover in de facto-bigotry against the gay and lesbian community. In Maine ,
the Catholic Church of Portland was a primary opponent (along with
fundamentalist fanatics) in defeating the Equal ‘Marriage’ Amendment proposed
by the Maine Legislature.
would like to propose my own amendment:
Ol’Buzzard’s Get Rid of ‘Marriage’ Amendment.
The Federal Government should only recognize Domestic Partnership Licenses.
2. Only Domestic Partnership Licenses can be
issued by states, and these licenses have all the rights and legal protection
now provided by a ‘Marriage’ License.
3. After receiving a Domestic Partnership License
couples are free to affirm a religious covenant in the faith of their choice
where they may receive a Marriage Certificate of affirmation. However, these religious certificates will
have no legal or binding authority outside of the religious institution of their
Ol’Buzzd ar
Catholic Church,
Gay Marriage,
Gay Rights,
Mormon Church,
Proposition 8,
Supreme Court
Friday, February 10, 2012
I am sick and tired of the demeaning commercials that run
constantly on TV displaying older people as stupid, demented cripples with
false teeth, pissing their pants, needing catheters, unable to comprehend
technology, riding in motorized chairs, needing Viagra and ready to buy into
schemes like reverse mortgages.
I have no problem
with advertising the prows and cons of a product for people with specific needs;
but the present selection of actors and the way these ads are presented to the general
public I find objectionable.
I feel that these ad agencies are probably staffed by
thirty-something young people that actually view older people as pabulum eating,
incompetent, regressing relics sliding into dementia – and that’s the way they present
them on TV.
I despise the commercial with the older woman in her
hover-chair riding around in circles in her kitchen, waving her hand in the air
and appearing to holler ‘wee wee wee!’ like the pig on the GEICO commercial.
I am seventy-two. I
retired from the military at forty-two.
I received my Bachelor Degree at forty-six and my Masters at fifty. I spent eleven years teaching in the Indian
and Eskimo villages of Alaska
– retiring at sixty-seven. I am
married to a young woman and have great sex (without Viagra.) I made my first solo parachute jump at
seventy and plan to jump again this summer.
I ride a motorcycle in the summer, and in the winter I heat my house
with firewood. I work out at the gym twice
a week and bowl twice a week – and, I am not unusual.
I hope that if the time comes that I require special
products for age disability I can deal with a company that will approach me an
intelligent adult.
The Ol’Buzzard
Friday, February 3, 2012
I just read Christopher Hitchen’s essay A Very, Very; Dirty
Word, published in Slate Magazine of July 2004.

I am not saying that Hitchen was totally out of touch with
the world outside of elite Washington and Britain, and I do not know how he
dissected the roots and origin of Fuck Off; but I distinctly remember Fuck You
and the bird as a part of the 60’s revolution in this country (remembering Easy
Rider) – and a young girl in San Francisco yelled Fuck You at me in the airport
when I returned from Viet Nam (along with: how many babies have you killed?)
and I replied Fuck Off.
Now, I claim all the variations of the Fuck word as
primarily American.
Anyone my age can
remember George Carlin’s seven words you can’t say on television:
Shit, Piss, Fuck, Cunt, Cocksucker, Motherfucker and Tits.
‘The good churchgoing people’ were scandalized at Carlin’s proclamation
that these words existed, much less that someone would dare to utter them in
public; while the flower generation picked up on them and unpretentiously
wielded them for the shock factor they knew they could effect.
Actually this day and age I find the Fuck variations, along
with bitch, cunt and bastard colorless and trite. I actually think arcane Britain may
have coined better, more colorful expressions of disgusts and contempt – Or at
least the author Ariana Franklin did in her book Mistress of the Art of
Death. (If you have not read Ariana
Franklin you have missed a great mystery read in the era of King Henry II - circa 12th. century.)
In her book the female doctor Adelia is being held captive
by a necked man wearing deer antlers and sporting and erection – Adelia defused
the situation by unleashing a series of insult (curses): calling him a stinking
crap-hound; a turd-mouth; stench-sucking lummox; dressed like a dog’s beef; son
of a pox-ridden sow, and a betty-buttered mother’s boy; a jelly bag; snot-faced; arse-licking; goat fucking; bum-bellied; farting; turd-breathed apology. (She left out Shakespeare’s cream-faced
The book is a great mystery read, but like the
dictionary when I was young, I couldn’t help but latch on the ‘rude words’
I know I am not the first to express this, but there are few
enough words in the English language to emphasize expression, and no word
should be forbidden (censored.) ... and damnit - fuck off is ours.
Or in a more British vernacular:
Off we Fuck then,
the Ol’Buzzard
Christopher Hitchens,
Fuck Off
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