Wednesday, March 9, 2022




All the minutia that comes to mind seems so trivial compared to the reality of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  


I can’t bring myself to post on DIY, gardening, recipes, or any of the other bullshit that occupies my thoughts at four-in-the-morning.


However, I will add one more blow to the dead horse – I have posted it time and time again.   It is my CASSANDRA WARNING.


 Sometimes it is the things you can not see that are the most dangerous: the crocodile in the water, the cobra in the grass, the lion in the bushes; the narcissistic, paranoid old man, experiencing senile dementia, with the sole authority and ability to execute world extinction with the turn of a key and push of a button.  


The two super powers, Russia and the United States, each have the nuclear capability of killing every living creature on the planet earth – many times over.   


The only safeguard has been the thought that the single person in charge of the nuclear capability of world destruction would be sane and responsible.


Look at the human race.   Consider Trump, Putin, religious extremist, or even some junior military computer nerd standing watch in a nuclear silo and realizing he can override the fail-safes


We have seen the result of two nuclear bombs, and the melt down at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant; now multiply those times a thousand.


It is not climate change, or plagues, or asteroids that will be the cause of the Sixth Extinction.   It is mankind and nuclear weaponry. 


Old man yells at clouds


the Ol’Buzzard






  1. Keep yelling at the clouds, old man! Someone has to.

  2. I'm enough of a pessimist to think mankind driving itself into extinction won't be as neat and easy as a thermonuclear war. I think we're going to off ourselves slowly with pollutants, destroying ecosystems, and ignoring climate change. As for Putin pushing buttons in the immediate future, I'm thinking the combination of incompetence and corruption that characterizes Russia in general is going to prevent one psychopath in the Kremlin from doing much. The Russians were too cheap to put decent tires on their military equipment (one of the factors slowing them down has been the low budget tires on wheeled vehicles blowing out) so what makes anyone think they've bothered to keep the hinges oiled on missile silos?

    For now, at least for today, I am distracting myself from thinking about the impending apocalypse by writing about spa days for camels.

  3. We should all watch "Planet of the Apes" again. We may need the pointers.

  4. Yes. I can't add to this, you've Nailed it.


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."