Monday, March 21, 2022



 During this time of obsession over a war in Europe, it is easy to become distracted and ignore the actions of the Republican leaning, partisan Supreme Court.

“Sexually progressive cultures gave us literature, philosophy, civilization and the rest, while sexually restrictive cultures gave us the Dark Ages and the Holocaust”

25,000 Years of Erotic Freedom

Alan Moore Abrams

I would add; Fatwas, suicide bombers, the subjugation of women and the dehumanization of women.


We are watching the demise of Roe vs Wade strictly as a Christian political agenda.


What we know is abortion brings about the termination of a life never lived.

Other Terminations:


Police use of deadly force

Self-defense killings

Capital punishment





Grounds for opposing Abortion:

Religious beliefs



Grounds for pro-choice:


Personal freedom

Freedom from religious oppression

Opposition to the subjugation of women


Grey areas: rape, incest, age, financial responsibility, retardation, emotional instability; physical or mentally deformed fetus, world over population


It is next-to-impossible to have an intelligent discussion on the subject.


Intelligence = Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning

Critical Thinking = Access to Facts and Understanding Causality

Logical Reasoning = Critical Thinking to Therefore





Verifiable facts

Unverified facts

Personal experience

Opinions of others

Understanding causality

Cultural indoctrination

Logical reasoning

Emotional reasoning

View can change and modify

Rigid belief unchangeable




I believe therefore I should

I believe therefore you should

You believe therefore you should

You believe therefore I should


Christian churches have always been obsessed with sex and the sexual promiscuity of women all the way back to Eve.


The abortion issue is basically a Christian Taliban’s obsession with the sexuality of women and the wish to legislatively control the sexual activity and sexual reproduction of women.  The Catholic church and the Protestant fundamentalist churches wish to legislate Christian doctrine.  Laws have been proposed to jail women who receive abortions, and the proposed Texas law would allow vigilante action against women, abortion providers and supporters of women’s rights.

 We have taken our eye off the ball.

the Ol’Buzzard


  1. Here in TX, we've already taken a huge step backwards for women and women's rights. It's makes me sad to think we are back to the 1960's and am fearful we will continue moving backward. What will be next?

  2. You didn't sleep last night at all now did you? I can tell because this blog entry is so freaking well thought out. You gave both pro and con thoughts on the measure.
    I commend you for it. But I have always wondered that when you blog about something with such deep thoughts why didn't you ever run for congress. I always think that you could have been one hell of a senator and I mean that with all my heart.
    Pam is so right. We here in Texas are moving backwards with such speed that I'm guessing that by the time I die that the women of Texas will be living in the stone age and that it will take hundreds of thousands of years yet to come just to bring us back to the present. It's so sad but absolutely true.

  3. It's not so much a Christian war on women when it comes to abortion as a right-wing political agenda that seized on "right to life" as a handy tool for motivating a certain class of voters. If the Christians who claim to be so worried about the sanctity of life, they'd also be agitating against the death penalty (with the exception of Catholics, they aren't) and promoting prenatal and antenatal care. They'd also realize that the Bible says life begins when a person takes their first breath and not at conception, but most of them have never read or bothered to understand the Bibles they keep thumping.

    Given the way that the right-wing loves to tout states' rights, it would be nice to see more states follow Colorado's lead, but that's not likely to happen any time soon.

  4. I really hope there is a hell for the likes of Paul Weyrich and Falwell Sr. because they are the ones that made abortion a political issue in order to get the bible-bangers to vote for the GQP.

  5. And now that the unwashed masses are getting their abortion bans, they need a new straw dog: Critical Race Theory! It's so goddamn cynical.

  6. Well said... I agree... our Eyes need to continuously be on the Ball since so much infiltration is being attempted for the Fanatics and Zealots, the unhinged and Radicalized, to get into positions of Power and Authority as they run for Offices of all kinds, especially at levels people don't pay as much Attention to. Right now in many States the Book Banning, Far Right Lunatic Fringe, Home Schooling/Private Schooling Types are running for School Boards in Public School Systems... so they can screw with the Educations of our Children... since screwing up their own Kids simply is not Enough apparently.


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."