Saturday, February 19, 2022




The two major super powers on earth are posturing.  Each with enough nuclear weaponry to destroy all life on earth.


If the world was energy independent, economic trade pressures could be brought against rogue countries that would somewhat negate wars.


Russia’s only economy is oil and gas.    The middle-east countries only economy is oil and gas.


Total energy independence is feasible; but capitalism makes it impossible.   The rich exploit to grow wealth; so, the movers and shakers of the world have no incentive to divest of energy control.


We have the technology to deploy a satellite telescope to orbit the sun and view time all the way back to creation.   If that same technology was deployed toward energy independence, we could be energy free within a decade.


Every home could be energy independent.  Heated and cooled from thermal heat pumps and energized by efficient solar arrays on rooftops and elevated structures.   Cars could be energy independent of fossil fuels; plugged in to home solar arrays for charging and equipped with solar collectors on all surfaces – along with wind-turbines and centrifugal force generators.  


Solar, wind, water and tidal collectors could supply all the power needed for economic and commercial purposes.  The tidal change in the Bay of Fundy alone could convert enough energy for North America to be free of the need for fossil fuel produced energy.


Total world energy independence would place rogue countries in a less powerful position – and economic sanctions from world organizations could carry more weight.  


This is all feasible, but buried in our DNA is a primitive strain that drives us to compete for power and wealth, with a willingness toward violence.     This drive is exploited through capitalism and greed; and I see no hope that that will ever change in our future.


Though we claim to be a sentient intelligent species, we share 97% of our DNA with our cousins, Chimpanzees.   And a good percent of the human population has not progressed far from our primitive ancestors most basic instincts.  


Add to that the zealotry of religions and there is little hope we will ever conquer war.


the Ol'Buzzard


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."