Tuesday, January 5, 2021





This week the Y-axis on the idiot scale has risen off the chart.   Sanity has left the building.  It is no use in my listing the orgy inside the crazy-house which is the United States – just buckle up your seat belts and turn on the television for a minute-to-minute update. 


Stephen Hawking called us an advanced breed of monkey, and Neil DeGrasse Tyson pointed out there is only 2% DNA difference in humans and Chimpanzees.   I think we can say, for most of the population, that cross-species kinship is closer than we would like to admit.     


We have elected a mentally defective child to the White House and half of the population want to keep him in for a second term.   Almost half of our government officials have willingly drunk the Cool Aid and checked in to the asylum.    Lunatic has now become a normalized and accepted mental condition.  


Of course, the press and politically correct liberals prefer to ‘address the Republican base’s concerns’ instead of calling them out as the poorly educated, functional retards they are.   We overlook the fact that they elect to office the same incompetent people as themselves. 

Hanlon’s Razor states: Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by stupidity.   And P.T. Barnum said you can never underestimate the intelligence of the American Public.


 If Trump and his supporters are normal – then maybe we are the ones that are clinically delusional.


So here we are.

the Ol’Buzzard


 One out of every four people are seriously fucked-up.   Look at your three closest friends; if they are all-right, then it’s probably you. 





  1. I second that motion.
    Motion carries, We are the sane ones.
    Time to round up the insane nitwits and commit them to the funny farm.

  2. I watch what's going on at a distance at a safe side of the border. With my mouth gaping open because I can't believe the news. And I can't believe that last picture you posted... boggles the brain.

  3. Heard a MAGAt explain her reasoning as to why she thinks the election was rigged: Trump says it was, the mainstream media says it wasn't, and she just knows the MSM lies all the time. Ergo, Trump is telling the truth. How the reporter managed to refrain from screaming just how fucking nuts are you puzzles me. Or maybe the reporter did; it just got cut from the tape.

  4. I think it is safer inside the asylum


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."