Tuesday, March 17, 2020


You get to my age and find you have survived wars, crashes, accidents and disasters, and you become stoic.   That doesn't mean that you ignore dangers.   

My wife and I are hunkering down, and not interacting with the public any more than possible.  That doesn't mean that I am hording 1500 rolls of toilet paper - no body shits that much.   We have, however bought in some extra food.  Since there is just the two of us, and we can be pretty frugal, that doesn't amount to a lot.  

This brings me to a product that I have talked about on prior blogs.   What we did purchase we vacuum packed.   This will keep food fresh almost indefinitely.   

If you don't have a vacuum food packer this might be the time to consider one.  Ours cost less than $40 on e-bay, about four years ago.

I'm a country boy, so my wife and I will be alright.  However, we do have to consider our dependents, and they have special needs.

So we bought in some extra litter and dried food.  

And I have to admit a little selfishness: I like good wines, but they are too expensive to stock up, so back to my table wine from a time when we couldn't afford the good stuff.

I have drunk many gallons of Carlo Rossi 

and if it is good enough for Justin Wilson,
It is damn well good enough for me.

the Ol'Buzzard


  1. Sounds like you, your wife and the cats will all be fine!

  2. The vac system is a life saver indeed. We really don't have to go shopping for the rest of this month except for dog food. Yeah, people who need that much toilet paper need to see a proctologist.

  3. P.S.
    Your cats are so fucking beautiful!

  4. That vacuum packer is great.
    Stay safe and healthy


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."