Thursday, January 2, 2020


This is going to be a depressing year with the prospect of the Democrat Presidential Nominee winning the popular vote by millions, but Trump reelected by a flawed Electoral College system.   

For our health and sanity we need to tune out the day-to-day noise coming from the 24/7 news media and tune into some comic foolishness for emotional relief.     

Thirty minutes with Mrs Brown's Boys is as good as an hour meditation.

You're welcome
the Ol'Buzzard


  1. The Electoral College is what allowed the USA to become a nation. The smaller states were not going to be part of it without that protection from the bigger states.

    1. What makes you think everyone in the "Small States" vote one way and everyone in the"Bigger States" vote differently?

      Whatever happened to to idea of the one with the most votes wins? Every other elected office in the country decided by the one with the most votes wins, why should the Presidency be different now that we no longer have slave states? Or is that the "Small States" you mentioned?

  2. What is wrong with one person one vote?

  3. States rights are valuable and important.... look at how various laws are different between Maine and other states. But, in regards to NATIONAL issues that should be the same for all (healthcare for instance).... including our NATIONAL leader.... the one person/one vote SHOULD be what is followed. You are right that there is likely to be another horrific tRump presidency just because of the Electoral College. I think of the Electoral College as a form of NATIONAL gerrymandering just like the state legislatures often try to do in creating their state’s districts.

    We already “lost” two elections to the flawed Electoral College (Gore & H. Clinton)..... and few seem to give a damn.


  4. I vote that we abolish the electoral college.

  5. Ha ha, I must send this to my sister -- she loves Mrs Brown's Boys!

  6. Thank you so much for Mrs Brown's 2020 special! What a treat!


COMMENT: Ben Franklin said, "I imagine a man must have a good deal of vanity who believes, and a good deal of boldness who affirms, that all doctrines he holds are true, and all he rejects are false."